Justin Mares

Traction (Book) - A Startup Guide to Getting Customers


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Ryan Hoover
Congrats @jwmares and @yegg on the launch of the book. The obvious question: how are you applying the material, to market the book? :)
Eithiriel DeMerè
@rrhoover This book is :everywhere:. I'd trust that they definitely know about traction because of that, haha.
Gabriel Weinberg
@rrhoover thanks! We are applying the material directly to getting traction for Traction :). We're actually going to go beyond and run tests in each channel just for the fun of it, but right now we're focusing on tests in our "Inner Circle" (from the book) in Targeting Blogs (including podcasts), Email Marketing (our list and others) and Speaking Engagements.
Erik Torenberg
@yegg hey Gab! can you be elaborate more in how you guys are using the principles in your book to market the book? Super interested :)
Justin Mares
@eriktorenberg Hey Erik, co-author Justin here. Basically, we looked at how others had successfully marketed and launched books and decided email marketing (to our list and others), and targeting other audiences with guest posts, podcasts and the like would be key to making this book do well. We also have a few speaking engagements lined up So, for us that's meant doing guest posts (the first of which went live on Kissmetrics yesterday), a bunch of podcast interviews, creating a Slideshare - http://www.slideshare.net/jwmare..., speaking engagements where we required the organization to purchase multiple copies as part of the engagement. Lastly, we have several people in the startup community emailing for us over the next 2 weeks. We'll be writing up a full post in a few weeks once things settle down from launch a bit!
Justin Mares
Related, an early review of Traction Book - http://kevindewalt.com/2014/08/2...
Kevin Dewalt
@jwmares Great job, Justin. I expect that traction will be in every founders' library soon.
Jack Smith
Saw via an email from @mattellsworth and bought yesterday, was just about to post to PH :)
Matt Ellsworth
@_jacksmith SHIT! If @mattellsworth is into this book, there must be the word of the Traction Gods written in there. In all seriousness, every time I need growth advice I call @jwmares. This book is worth it's weight in a fictitious metal more valuable than gold.
Justin Mares
@mattellsworth thanks dude :)
Anuj Adhiya
For those that don't know yet - there's an AMA with @jwmares & @yegg on GrowthHackers at 12 pm PST/3 PM EST tomorrow: http://growthhackers.com/questio...
Justin Mares
@AnujAdhiya Thanks! It's actually tomorrow, but really, really appreciate spreading the word. Come with good questions!
Justin Mares
@AnujAdhiya Thanks man!
Tom Masiero
I listened to a podcast that mentioned the book and then I realized that I had already signed up for the pre-sale list. Started reading it last night and it is very straightforward with the sole intent of how to systematically get traction. Thanks so much for much for giving back to other entrepreneurs :)
Jean-Luc Brisebois
Looking forward to read it! It sucks there is no Kindle version yet, I have to wait for shipping :(
Justin Mares
@jbrisebois Kindle is available as of a few hours ago! Where are you located?
Jean-Luc Brisebois
@jwmares Oups! wasn't there this morning and I bought the hard cover... just bought the kindle version hehe
Ian Mikutel
@jwmares Any idea when Amazon will be back in stock? Love me a hard copy :)
Justin Mares
@ianmikutel You can still order it! It will be shipping out with a 1-2 day delay. We sold better yesterday than Amazon's inventory algorithm thought we would :)
Anuj Adhiya
Reminder that the AMA is on GrowthHackers today/right now: http://www.growthhackers.com/que...
Chad Fullerton
My next read! Great book @jwmares and @yegg - can't wait to read all the practical tips :)
Justin Mares
@chad_fullerton Awesome! Thanks Chad :)
Paul M Boyce
Most hands on book ever for early traction and discovering and testing channels that work - plus the BullsEye approach is great for putting a process around complex channel testing. We paired this up with Google Spreadsheets as a backlog to prioritise and run tests. Used this loads while we were developing PopcornMetrics (http://PopcornMetrics.com). Great work @jwmares!!
Nicolas Deverge
A must read! It provides many practical advices to test new channels for your product.
Alex Bush
just finished reading the book yesterday. great book! wish I've done sooner!