This seems very similar to Paste but with a vertical paste bar instead of their horizontal one, and no support for El Capitan. What's new and different?
@iamsebj Copia has a different approach in accessing, previewing and managing the clips. We used a vertical form factor that we find more natural and added things like the dark theme, favorites, pause, type filters and a quick textual clips list accessible from the menu bar.
@marcellobertoli Right, I see! Will be interested to see your pricing.
For anyone reading through the comments: Paste's dark theme can't be manually controlled but auto-adapts to the system setting; Copia favourites are equivalent to Paste's manually-organised sections (unlimited sections with custom names and colours, drag & drop items in); Paste lacks type filters, pause, and a quick textual clips list but whether you will use them is up to you. [Filters: there are options to filter apps, confidential data, generated content]
Personally, I wouldn't use any of the added complexity in terms of features or the UI (sidenotes: Paste uses a rounded help icon in lower right of every preferences pane which would be great to see here; [+] and [-] when editing filtered apps instead of writing out the words; and seems to have a much better structure).
@iamsebj you can filter snippets in Paste by typing a query in a search bar, e.g. "Link Safari producthunt" will show all links copied from Safari that contains "producthunt" ;)
Hey everyone! ☺️ We are very happy to announce that Copia is now available on the Mac App Store! Thanks to all of you, the Public Beta has been a great experience and Copia is now ready to leave its mark in the Mac App Store universe! ❤️
Hello everyone! 😺
I’m Jacopo, one of the two people behind Dollaropath, and I’m excited to show you what we have been working on lately! 🚀
Copia is a smart, elegant and versatile clipboard manager for Mac.
Copia remembers your ⌘-C and lets you easily retrieve them later on.
Copia recognizes and displays plain text, RTF, RTFD, images, colors, files and links.
Copia is in public beta, on its road to the Mac App Store, you can enroll in the beta right now.
If you happen to try it, please keep in mind that we ❤️ feedback.
@jacopolupi would love to see a shortcut for immediately pasting the second and third to last copied items. So Command-V for current and then customizable for the other two+ would be great.
Using Copy'em Paste since 2014 and I'm pretty happy with it. What makes 'Copia for Mac' better than 'Copy'em Paste' and why should I choose it over 'Copy'em Paste' and switch to that?
Hello @shahinix, thank you for your question.
We tried to design and develop an elegant, simple, immediate and intuitive user interface.
Copia is in public beta. You can download it now and try it for free. ☺️
As a clipboard manager user, we would love to invite you to try Copia and give us your valuable feedback.
If you like this, you should definitely check out @Paste_App. It's really, really well done and they just released an update that syncs your clipboard history across iCloud.
Pro Tip: Set the keyboard shortcut to Shift + Command + V and you'll look like a wizard in front of your friends.
@joshuapinter@paste Paste feels like the clipboard manager Apple would make. It's on par with the work OmniGroup does. I can't imagine using a Mac without Paste now. Highly recommend.
Hi @dudehere, you can edit the title of an item. Just click on the title or right click the item to change its title. You can then search for the modified title.
@dudehere no problem, my pleasure! :) If you need any further information do not hesitate to reply here or get in touch through the app "Contact Us…" menu.
Hello @jesucarr and thank you for your question. We are still in the process of defining that, we want to balance out full usability with a good conversion drive for engaged users.
Hi Guys. How do I actually save an image to Copia? I get that if I use command + C that it will automatically send it to Copia....but it don´t have an option (for example right clicking on an image) to save it that way. Thanks for, what looks like, a promising product :)
Hello @dudehere, thank you for your question. Copia saves every ⌘C in its History, if you copied an image you can then paste it and save it from an app. As a clipboard manager Copia will not be able to save the contents of any item as separate file.
Very interested in this especially since I've tried a handful of clipboard managers in the past. I'm trying to subscribe to the beta using my email but the site seems to be stuck on the 'Subscribing...' state.
@campany I actually registered just for this comment lol. it's quite unfortunate is no longer avail, one of my favs defo, but regarding "So long and thanks for all the fish" it's the name of a book by Douglas Adams that has gone into the popular culture as a way for saying goodbye. (actually it was the dolphins thanking for earth's fish)
Hi @ahmetalpbalkan, thank you for your question.
We think that Copia has a unique, elegant, simple, immediate and intuitive user interface.
We would love to hear your opinion and your criticisms. If you run macOS 10.12, please take the time to try Copia, the beta is free to download and try. ☺️
Wildcard (Pre-launch)
Wildcard (Pre-launch)
Wildcard (Pre-launch)
Hey, all - i've just checked and found that all product links (dollarpath and apple store) are no longer available!!!
What happened??
Pros:+ Light and stylish design
+ Enough functionality
Cons:- Drains battery a lot as for copy-paste tool
- Product links are no longer available!!!
Manganum sidebar for Google Chrome
Euclid Calculator
I wish it wouldn't break after deleting the history this is the only reason i cannot use this app and i pay for copyclip instead
Pros:It is amazing much cooler than copyclip though i pay for copyclip
Cons:When you delete the history app breaks no more copies are saved.
there is nothing like this app, it makes my work so much faster because i can copy and paste multiple things at once etc. can't live without copia now
Pros:Essential for power users who need to copy/paste a ton
Euclid Calculator