What's the added-value using TwIM? Piggy-backing Twitter is dangerous and Twitter imposes token limits so growth is limited. Not sure how this company can sustain growth in these conditions...
@rfreling TwIM is focussed on a great messaging experience, whereas other Twitter clients don't give as much attention to those features, and just have them bundled. I think Twitter as a platform has a lot of merits, for example you don't need to persuade all your friends to join a new platform in order to talk to them. You can just search by name or username and start messaging them. And you also don't need to fill out their contact details, those are already updated.
@andrewprojdent true. I'm just curious how anyone would trust Twitter to build its business (token limit, API access can be removed without notice). I'll give it a try still 🤓
It's not like the world needs any more ways to chat with your friends, but a "Twitter Messenger" makes total sense. Facebook obviously beat them to the punch. I chat through two apps exclusively: iMessage and Facebook Messenger. This is a pretty solid implementation, although I can see it going the way of TwitPic, and Twitter just implementing their own dedicated DM app.
@evanlaclark I must feel pretty unconfortable, knowing we are working on a messaging platform. But we believe we are doing it the way it should be done :)
I'm not sure twitter works well as a messenger, specially upon elements like encryption, privacy and security. The company has shown itself to be rather unreliable as far as breaking into user data for government agencies and the likes. For usual dm talk, sure. Although I still see no reason for another app, since the stock one does the job okay. I'm also struggling to see scalability for the project (it looks quite polished though; why not build an independent messenger then?) Can't feel this one yet, I'm sorry.
Twitter DM as a standalone app should have been done a long time ago, nicely done. One bug I'm noticing is that DMs to myself are showing up in my most recent message to another user 😬.
Imgur Melee