Alex Carter

Hot Pod - A weekly newsletter all about podcasts

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Ryan Hoover
@smc90 tipped me off to the Hot Pod newsletter some weeks ago. It's the most insightful and thorough weekly digest on podcasts that I've seen. The creator, @nwquah, knows his stuff.
Ben Wikler
Agreed: HotPod is really terrific. Nick Quah is a magnetic, charismatic writer.
Ryan Hoover
@nwquah I'm sure you get this question a lot but what are your favorite podcasts right now that few people have heard of?
Nicholas Quah
@rrhoover good question. right now, the shows I'm investigating and I'm coming to really like are: Imaginary Worlds, For Colored Nerds, Anxious Machine, The Dollop (I think this one's kinda famous). Also doing a lot of digging in audio fiction for an item I'm researching. The Truth is the gold standard, but fascinated by We're Alive, Pleasuretown, The Black Tapes Podcast (super cringey, but a lot of interesting ideas). Limetown, of course. And in general, I'm always going to stump for Grantland's Hollywood Prospectus podcast, and Longform, which is also pretty famous but deserves MILLIONS.
Alex Kontis
Hands down one of my favourite emails to get each week. If you want to keep up with the happenings of the podcast world then subscribe to Hot Pod!
Anne Wootton
Hot Pod is a must-read every week for anyone who cares about the industry. @nwquah is super smart and super real (and as a personal side note, I'm hard pressed to think of anyone who is more fun to work with).
Noah Tovares
Just signed up. Excited to get my first issue. The description make it sounds like it is a newsletter for podcast creators. Is that the desired audience? Also, I'll add this to once it comes through.
Nicholas Quah
@noahtovares hey noah — while some of what I cover would be helpful for creators, I'm mostly thinking about it as a place to get a feel for the industry. (Or, at least, the part of the industry that I'm most compelled by.) So targets also include media nerds, audio nerds, tech nerds, nerd nerds, and nerds.
Kevin Kliman
Look forward to seeing it in my inbox every week. Ironically @nwquah 's passion and open writing voice remind me of the early Bill Simmons days as The Sports Guy.
Spencer Handley
@nwquah It was great meeting you at Podcast Movement! The whole @podcleartweets team has been absolutely loving this newsletter. Congrats on Nieman! :)
Haseeb Awan
Subscribed and looking forward to it