@devjah That is true... 😅 It was even called "remotical" initially, like an astronomical clock for remote workers. Finding a better name was on my todo-list until I figured out I might as well release and get feebacks!
@devjah I have to tell you, it's been 2 years, but I did renamed and relaunch'd it with new features, I'd be happy to know what you think of this time ;)
Great implementation of timezones for a distributed team.
1. Does this update automatically? Like, if I left this up on our office screen, would it update every minute with the new time and rotate from day to night, etc.?
2. Would be useful to integrate into other remote team services/features. E.g. touchscreen at the office, you press on one of the people there and it automatically starts a Google Hangout with them, etc.
3. Shared link so that everybody can open this up in their own computers without having to re-enter things in. Also, let people you share the link with add themselves or their office, etc.
Hi @joshuapinter thanks for the feedbacks and helpful questions!
1. It does update! Also, after you drag the clock to try out times, you can always click "reset" to set it back to your local time and see your colleagues actual time.
2, 3. I do have these features in mind, and your feedbacks will help me prioritise! A question for you: Are you working remotely, and if so, how big is your company? And do you interact with all of them often or are you usually interacting with a smaller team/subset?
1. Does it update in real-time after hitting reset? Sorry, I didn't have the patience to sit there and watch it. ;)
2./3. We have an office in Calgary and Denver (MST) but then have customers and remote employees in California (PST), Houston (CST), Brazil (+5 hrs). We interact on a weekly basis with most.
Most of what we do is intentionally asynchronous so that we minimize interruptions and retain flow as much as possible. However, if something is time-sensitive we use direct messaging and even phone/video calls. Knowing when it is too early in the morning or too late at night for synchronous stuff is really key. Plus, being able to relate to other individuals in different parts of the world is key.
Another feature request: Show the current weather for each person. Just temperature (in C or F, depending if they are in the US or not) and sun/cloud/snow/etc.