Vlad Korobov

Timestripe Community - Share lists, productivity templates, and step-by-step guides

Timestripe is a productivity app with multiple planning layouts and tools to manage goals, organize your life and build powerful habits. Share your inspiring lists, productivity templates and step-by-step guides with the world.

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Nirav Dalwadi
great product awesome design easy to use...
Sergey Kulinkovich
@nayan_parmar Thanks Nayan! 🖤
awesome product. ?makers congrats on the launch
Sergey Kulinkovich
@vivekweb2013 Thank you Vivek! ✨
Sergey Kulinkovich
Hey, Product Hunt! 👋 I'm Sergey, co-founder of Timestripe. Last year we launched Timestripe at Product Hunt. We received tremendously valuable support from the community. That gave us a charge of energy and tons of insights to make some significant steps forward. Thank you for that! 🙏 Today we have some great news to announce. It seems that everyone who strives to achieve something extra in life has been in that situation: on the way to your goals you find yourself stumped, alone with a never-ending list of unfinished tasks. On the other side, there are people who have already achieved similar goals and know the shortest paths toward them. When one achieves something, the next step is to share it with others. Sharing knowledge and moving toward goals together leads to greater and more fulfilling results than moving alone. Today we're introducing The Timestripe Community, a place where people share their lists, know-hows, frameworks, workflows, and step-by-step guides on a wide variety of topics. Climbs are step-by-step guides that help people get desired results by following sets of tasks automatically distributed into their Calendars. Climbs are great for learning new things, forming useful habits, creating repetitive tasks, and achieving any other type of goals that require time and a clear plan. Previously the catalog contained a limited set of Climbs created by our team. Today we're enabling people to create their own Climbs, immediately publish them on the Timestripe Community, and let everyone else follow. It opens up a wide range of options for masters of their craft: managers, designers, programmers, growth-hackers, writers, psychologists, coaches, linguists, tutors, philosophers, and everyone else who would like to share their knowledge in a step-by-step guide format. See, for example, the course "Beat writer's Block in 21 days": https://timestripe.com/climbs/ Following Now you can share your lists as public boards. People can use them not only as templates, but also subscribe to them and follow the updates. A powerful editing engine allows you to add pictures, upload files, embed media and use rich formatting with headings, links, quotes, etc. See, for example, our public roadmap. Now it's easy to start running a public page with project progress, reading lists, favorite restaurants, series worth watching, countries visited, delicious recipes or even start your own diary on Timestripe. This allows people to move toward their goals in a united flow, observing progress and adopting experience & knowledge from each other. We've also delivered a bunch of important updates to Timestripe. Now it’s easy to: — Link Goals Between Boards & Horizons — Color Code Goals — Duplicate Goals, Lists, and Boards — Use headlines, links, code styles, emojis — Add Images to Your Goals — Embed Media — Explore Board Templates — Upload Your Files Next in line are: — iOS App (almost here) — Time Blocking — Collaboration We'd be happy to hear any ideas and suggestions from you. Once again — many thanks for your support!
Looking forward to the iOS app!
Andrey Maykov
@ginaoftherose thank you Gina! We're working on it. Coming soon!
Dmitry Khludeev
Это очень круто, я хочу изучить новую версию от начала и до конца и я это сделаю! Дизайн просто 🔥🔥🔥 Не останавливайтесь! Это крутая штука.
Vlad Korobov
@funny_edon the app is pretty simple to learn. There is so much attention to detail.
Sergey Kulinkovich
@funny_edon Thank you Dmitry!
David L
Using Timestripe since Dec 2020. I switched from Todoist after using that for 3 years. No regrets. Horizon planning is awesome and in the last 6 months the guys at Timestripe constantly rolling out new and exciting features. I'd recommend for anyone to give it a try who wants more than just managing daily to-do list, but keeping an eye on long-term goals.
Sergey Kulinkovich
@david_levai Hey Dávid! Many thanks for your kind words! 🖤
Ярослав Борута
Great service, guys! Using you from my interview with Evgeniy Lepekhin from your team :) Here I got a problem with these columns. Looks like something wrong with their width
Ярослав Борута
@evgenylepekhin are you a magician or what? :))) It actually worked, thx!
Yasmin “Yaz” SQ
I absolutely love this app! I've made it my new tab page in my browser 😊. I would love to see skin tone emojis, and recurring tasks. The ability to create a task for a specific day and then have it show up in the weekly column that the day falls into, would be amazing. Keep up the great work with such an easy to use, intuitive, and incredibly useful app!
Albina Tokarchuk
@yasmin_yaz_sq Thanks Yasmin, we're glad to hear you love it!
Peter Böttges
I love the design and overall approach of the Timestripe planner and could see myself using it, but due to the lack of true end-to-end encryption it sadly isn't an option for me.
Sergey Kulinkovich
@boettges Thank you Peter! Hope we'll be able to deliver some solutions here eventually.
Eduard Aksamitov
Love it and waiting for iOS 🖤
Andrey Maykov
@euaaaio thank you! iOS app is coming
Deepak Yadav
Wonderful product. However am seeing a different approach towards productivity which is also good in a way when you see lot of players competing on product front with similar approach.
Vlad Zely
Great update, guys. Congrats! Do you have some rough ETA for the iOS app?
Vlad Korobov
@vladzely within the next 2 months
Sergey Kulinkovich
@vladzely Hey, Vlad! Many thanks for your support! iOS app is almost ready. The only thing left is to set up all these Apple Dev accounts things properly. Hope we’ll see the results within 1 month.
Sergey Kulinkovich
@vladzely (if there will be no significant problems with review at app store). 🙃
Gleb Sabirzyanov
Timestripe rocks!
Albina Tokarchuk
@zyumbik Thank you Gleb!
Dima Kuchev
Hey! Guys! Congrats! Lovely product
Sergey Kulinkovich
@ikuchev Thank you Dmitrii!
Sergey Demchenko
Hey guys, great product, something I've been looking for in personal planners for quite some time. There's a bug with Google calendar, however - changes aren't synced. My tasks get moved to the next day in Timestripe, but they remain on the previous day in Google Calendar. Can you fix that, please?
Sergey Kulinkovich
@nostalgiaforinfinity Hey Sergey! 👋 Thank you! Yeah, Google cal Sync still has some issues. Unfortunately Google syncs external calendars just several times a day. So it may take some time before your Timestripe goals appear or update in your Google Calendar. But the goals should still be automatically carried over to the next day, with a delay though. If this does not happen, please email us at info@timestripe.com and we'll investigate this thing.