Tomaž Štolfa

Booking.js by Timekit - Make a beautiful embeddable booking widget in minutes.

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Hi Jesper, how does it compare to Meekan’s API? (
Jesper Klingenberg
@shemag8 I think the two main differences are ( 1 ) Timekit is API-first, not an API released in the wake of a consumer product. ( 2 ) It seems Meekan is focused on adding scheduling capabilities for meetings. Whereas Timekit is meant as the building block for both scheduling, booking and calendars. While there's similarities between the two; Timekit is created to be flexible and modular so you can add it to everything from sharing-economy marketplaces, productivity tools, social tools, and business tools. 👍
Eyal Yavor
@klngnbrg @shemag8 Thanks for pointing out some of the differences, just a few more: 1) Meekan's consumer products are actually just a really good use-case for our API, which is very flexible, and allows not only booking - but finding best mutual times, sending options as a poll, receiving votes, and of course, creating and updating events in your calendars. 2) Our API works with Google, Office365 and iCloud 3) Meekan saves time when it's more than a 1:1, but a 3-4 people meeting, even across timezones.
Jesper Klingenberg
@eyalyavor Thanks for joining us. I think it makes sense to look at Meekan and Timekit in the same box, but doing two different things. We are focusing a lot on Human-to-Resource scheduling - thus enabling developers to build scheduling and booking engines where only one side is a human who can interact. The other is a resource (service/item/non-interacting-human) with rules and settings for an optimal allocation of availability.
Eyal Yavor
@klngnbrg @shemag8 We complete each other :) Making calendars a bit more connected, more accurate, and more useful.
Jesper Klingenberg
Thanks for hunting us @tomazstolfa Really happy to be here with Booking.js. We’ve worked hard on launching this. For those of you who haven’t heard about it; it’s the easiest way to create an embeddable booking form that can be added to any site or product in a few minutes. We want to change how you book things online and this is the first step in that direction. By empowering developers to build booking into a product, but with minimal code. We’d love to hear your feedback and see where you embed it. I’ve created one here:
Mike Holford
@klngnbrg Looks fantastic Jesper! Can it only be used with a google cal?
Jesper Klingenberg
@mikelholford Thanks !! right now Booking.js only integrates with Google. Timekit also supports being the custom provider, if you don't want to run it on a 3rd party provider. In the future we may release Office365 and iCloud if enough people want it.
Faisal Hassan
@klngnbrg Is booking.js down right now?
Vlad Magdalin
This is amazing, congrats @klngnbrg and team! I'm personally blown away by the fact that most of the UI was built with Webflow ( ♥️
Jesper Klingenberg
@callmevlad Thanks !! Our swiss army knife @laander1901 decided to take a shot at making it entirely in Webflow. Initially we discussed that we probably had to revert and make it as an Angular app, but eventually he managed to do some magic and make everything super smooth with Webflow. Last thing I heard he got persuaded into making a tutorial of how he did it 👏right @laander1901 😬
Daniel Friis
Awesome! With all the peer-to-peer platforms popping up, this might come in handy
Jesper Klingenberg
@daniel_friis Yup !! Especially since marketplaces should worry more about solving the infamous chick-n-egg problem than their scheduling/booking engine
Gustav Larsson
Very cool! I've been looking for calendar packages like this for an idea I've had for a while, will dig further when I get some time :).
Liam Gooding
Congrats on the hunt @klngnbrg always being a huge fan of the Timekit API and this is such a simple widget for a wider audience to get started. Makes me think of what Checkout.js is to Stripe
@klngnbrg looks great! Definitely going to keep it in mind for later usage. One thing I've noticed is that the comment textarea allows re-sizing without a max height.
Jesper Klingenberg
@ernstmul 🙈we'll take a look.
Marc Perel
This looks lovely guys well done
Jesper Klingenberg
@marcperel Thanks - glad you like it!
Ed Holloway
@klngnbrg - this looks beautiful. We get asked quite a bit from our customers for a public-facing schedule tool that integrates into our product. We will definitely be taking a look at this.
Jesper Klingenberg
@edholloway great! Let us know if we can help in any way 👊
Alex Panagis
Looks amazing Jesper! Great way to integrate a booking system. It's really hard to find anything like this that works well, and looks really great. :) Thanks!
Jesper Klingenberg
@tpbtv Glad you like it! Yes, bookings is so overlooked !!!
Marius Masalar
This looks terrific. I would love to see iCloud calendar integration in the future. :)
Jesper Klingenberg
@mostlymarius duly noted 👍
andreas cleve
It looks great you guys! :)
Alexander Kehaya
Just put this on my site! Really great and easy to integrate. Also, super impressed by your customer support.
Jordan Littman
This looks incredible! Amazing work and so simple!
Jack Smith
looks great. nice design.
Brandon Brown
I've been waiting for something with this aesthetic to come along for some time now, great job!
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
This is beautiful.
Justin Léger
That is one sweet widget!
Jesper Klingenberg
@jusleg thank you sir 🙌
Florian Stegre
@klngnbrg i love your solution ! Do you plan to make a French version ? (it's easy )
Florian Stegre
@klngnbrg Great ! Soon ? (when ?) I'm trying your product. It's a good one but you could improve few things (set the open hour by 30 minutes and not by hour, delete the 15 minutes between the start day and the first slot meeting available, don't show by default all hour day when it's not necessary for example between 00h00 and 07h00...)
Ed Holloway
@klngnbrg - thanks - will do. You mentioned TimeKit as a custom backend provider - can we integrate with others? ( We have a pretty complex scheduling backend already )
Jesper Klingenberg
@edholloway out of the box Timekit works as the provider or with Google. If you need something custom let us know (start a chat with us via intercom our site) on and we'll look into it together with you.