Kevin William David

Time Zone Converter - Calculate exact time anywhere in the world across time zones

Beautiful macOS and Windows apps for calculating exact time anywhere in the world across time zones. It can be used as the world clock to see the current time around the world. Perfect for calculating conference call time with remote client or team.

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Anton Skorniakov
Hi! I’m 🤵 with my brother 👨‍💻 constantly work with overseas clients and arranging time for calls sometimes becomes very complicated. Time shifts like +7.5 hours are hard to calculate in mind. Client’s city may suddenly start experiencing daylight saving time… We decided that’s enough! 🤯 We have to make the most simple time zone converter ever! Тo sooner said than done. ✅ Meet the 🌎 Time Zone Converter! The most simple tiny app for calculating exact time anywhere in the world across time zones. 📣 Any feedback is welcome!
Ryan Hoover
This is useful for distributed teams. What's next on the roadmap, @outfoxer?
Anton Skorniakov
@rrhoover For the macOS app, we plan — Adding integration with calendars (create event for the selected time, show current events from the calendar for the selected time — Context menu actions. You could right-click any text with date and time in any app and use it as input for time conversion right in the context menu And we plan to create a free web app that could be run in the browser and will not look like a promo site, like the current one (our promo site actually has the full-featured app that could be used) 🙂
Yair Dovrat
That’s really nice! Liked it a lot. When should we expect the calendar integration? Also is this a side project or are you going to charge for it? Cheers!
Anton Skorniakov
@yair_dovrat1 Thanks! 🙏 Can't tell the exact date when we will make the calendar integration. This is not a trivial task. This is our side project, but the web app (current one on the promo site and more user-friendly in future) will always be free. We only sell native macOS and Windows apps for small one-time payment ($5).
Nico Caramella
?makers. While the ruler to change the time is elegant, I think it'd be awesome to be able to double-click on a city and be able to type the time. That would make me consider switching from what I do now, which is googling for example "berlin 5pm in new york".
Anton Skorniakov
@nicocaramella Yes we have in plans similar functionality!
What's the difference between this and
Anton Skorniakov
@youcedom They do the same job. But we do it in a more elegant and easy way 🙃And we have macOS and Windows apps. That is the difference.
Jayesh Gopalan
Purchased, awesome product :)
Vitaliy Urban
Great! You've solved my biggest pain )
Anton Skorniakov
@v_urban thanks! Glad that the app helps you!
Cory McArthur
Cool product! Here's a feature request - I'd like to add a name to each timezone... so I can quickly see what time it is for "Ryan" vs "Ben"
Anton Skorniakov
@cory_m many people ask this, we already have it in our backlog!
Matt G.
Any plans for a linux version @outfoxer?
Anton Skorniakov
@iwaffles You are the first one who asked for this! 🎉Unfortunatelty we don't plan any versions for Linux. Even version for Windows is not popular at all.
Diogo Nunes
The weather widget, on macOS' right sidebar already has the same functionality. Why would I want to install yet another app to do the same thing?
Anton Skorniakov
@diogonunes Weather widget just shows current time. It does not answer the question, "What time will be next Thursday in San Francisco, when in Portugal will be 12:30pm, since I need to schedule a meeting. And will daylight saving time shift happen or not in that day?"
Diogo Nunes
@outfoxer Ah, I see. It was because I saw the screenshots with the static times. I can see added value in that ;) Thanks for clarifying
Casian Pascu
This is awesome @outfoxer I would love to see the time zones names as well (BST, CT, EST, etc.) That would be very helpful. Well done!
Anton Skorniakov
@kasian thanks! will consider this for next versions!
Pablo Resnik
hi , is it working on windows ?makers , i wasnt able to download.... i got an error message.