Sameer Kumar

Time Well Spent - See prices in working hours instead of money


Time Well $pent is a Chrome extension that helps you be more intentional with your money, so that you can spend your time on the things that actually matter to you. Enter your salary and it will automatically convert prices on all websites to time (i.e. the amount of time it takes you to earn that amount of money in the first place).

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Folajimi Odukomaiya
Great idea! @aaronzlewis will you be working on a UK (British pounds) version? (Say yes pleaseeee)
Vladyslav Sitalo
@aaronzlewis @freddieo @javaamonde Don't forget EUR 😉
aaron z. lewis
@freddieo Thanks! We've gotten a lot of requests for additional currencies, so we're definitely considering it 🤑
Ryan Hoover
I used to convert everything I purchased into work time in my head as a kid. This deterred me from buying many things I didn't really need. 😊
This is seriously clever, how are your users reacting to this so far @aaronzlewis?
aaron z. lewis
@amrith Thanks Amrith! Seems like people have found it thought-provoking, at the very least
Zac Coffman-Magaha
Are there only certain websites it works for? Was able to have it work on Amazon, but doesn't seem to work on Best Buy, Google Store (that's when I gave up).
Greg Greiner
@zaccoffman It should work on most eCommerce sites depending on how they display their prices. It looks like Google doesn't allow you to run chrome extensions on their properties, trying to figure out what's going on with Best Buy.
Karan Rajpal
Any plans on supporting other countries like India for example?
Adesh Atole
Open source it!
Maia Bittner
I love this - so smart!!
🐼 hery
The metrics sound really bad. On an hypothetical salary of $50k in NYC, I need to work only 2.5 days to get a $300 ps4. That makes me want to buy it. But on that same salary, $300 is a significant expense! Not sure it offers a better mental representation than $.
S Shivasurya
i will love it if it converts and works for other currencies too.
Gene Padaliak
Nice concept! Interesting is that with meetings people need exactly the opposite: see price tag instead of hours.