Tilt Brush by Google
Paint in spaces around you with Virtual Reality
Ali R. Tariq
Tilt Brush by Google — Paint in spaces around you with Virtual Reality
Ali R. Tariq
I'm no painter but this floored me. Watch the product demo video. Has anybody actually played with this in person?
Robert Edwards
@alirtariq It's pretty awesome...it took us an hour to get a creative director out of the room once he was in the experience.
Andrey Doronichev
I'm excited to announce, we've just launched TiltBrush live. It's available for purchase on Steam and comes for free with each HTC Vive.
Andrey Doronichev
The app is really for everyone, but it's pretty incredible to see what professional artist can do with it http://time.com/vr-is-for-artists/
Nick Guthrie
Tried this in Taipei. It is so out of this world. When I walked away I couldn't speak. The changing of the backgrounds creates a super immersive experience.
Robert Headley
I first learned about Tilt Brush in a minidoc about Glen Keane. I posted the youtube video.
Elia Morling
I tried it at CES; and it's the best app on HTC Vive
Matt Bradford-Aunger
This looks incredible. Shame it's only HTC though.
Kyle Rose
@matt_aunger right now only the Vive has the tracking and controllers to work with Tiltbrush. Oculus have a similar app coming out with their motion controllers later this year called Medium
Matt Bradford-Aunger
@killa_kyle Wow! That looks awesome. Also, that makes total sense! So much cool VR stuff happening.
Jeffrey Wyman
This is amazing. Can't wait to try.
Jurica Saponja @jurica87
I added this to my VR collection :) https://www.producthunt.com/@jur...
Rudy Lee
Wow this looks cool :D Can't wait to try it out!