Udara Jay

Tidl - Smart portfolio and resume tool


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Udara Jay
Hi Product Hunters, We just launched a smart resume–portfolio service built on the concept of moments. We’re building towards a platform that shapes professional identities towards a culture that values skill and talent. 🌟You can skip the invite process & we'll even throw in 6 months of free premium after we fully launch to sweeten the deal – https://tidl.es/ph ONE-CLICK SETUPS: via Twitter: https://tidl.es/login/twitter via Facebook: https://tidl.es/login/facebook Here's my profile for reference: https://tidl.es/udara Tidl for companies & startup: https://tidl.es/companies First 100 members: https://medium.com/tidl/welcomin... Thoughts & suggestions appreciated!
Stephen Voisey
@ujzeee Nice site and idea. I've setup an initial profile and in the process of tweaking my CV so will add more in the next few days. I had a few little thoughts, but my biggest would be that the Zap like icon, to my mind, suggests a punishment rather than an endorsement - could be those years I spent in Pavlov experiments ;-) Otherwise, good luck with your launch and product hunt.
Udara Jay
@stephenvoisey Glad you like it! Ha! Will consider tweaking it a bit to look more friendly! Thanks!
Daniel Vassilev
@ujzeee is it possible to make profile private or even delete it?
Udara Jay
@danvass Adding a delete feature soon. If you want one deleted email udara@tidl.es from the email used to create the account :)
Halyna Tarasenko
https://tidl.es/galeriks Looks clear and simple. I couldn't find how to follow back @ujzeee :) Waiting for some new features to try.
Udara Jay
@galeriks Thanks for trying it out! Will be adding a follow button and many more feature to profiles soon :)
Jon Sutherland
Looks like a cool product off to a great start! One small typo on the PH page: "Tidl defines itself by nurtuing a culture & framework for success." Also, for the image attachments on hover, I think an "eye" icon would be better than a paperclip, it felt like I was going to attach something on click.
Udara Jay
@jmsuth Thanks very much Jon! – We're hoping to build a product & culture that would hopefully benefit a lot of people! Changing the hover icon to an eye is definitely a good idea! (in fact I just made that change and pushed it to our servers). (also thanks for spotting the typo ~ everyone here completely missed it!)
Mike Coutermarsh
Really nicely done. I tried it out (here's me: https://tidl.es/mscccc). From developer perspective. I'd suggest allowing "moments" to be configurable. I'd personally rather it say "projects". Also would be great if a moment could link to GitHub. I'm a little confused about the purpose of the "Impressed?" button. Could you explain that a little more?
Udara Jay
@mscccc Hi! Thanks for trying it out! We're definitely working on making moments more versatile. The impressed button was meant to act as a "recommendation" of sorts, we're hoping to merge it with a comments/feedback system so that they hold more value.
Chris Prescott
Sorry to be Captain Obvious, but why this and not LinkedIn?
Udara Jay
@cpresc We asked ourselves the same question! First off we aim to have a stunningly simple and beautiful design, LinkedIn has been lacking on this front for a while now. 2) We go deeper to integrate the actual work people do to their resume, you can already notice how we connect projects & work to experiences. This will also be reflected in the search feature we'll be introducing soon. 3) Our team is working on defining a sustainable professional culture within Tidl. We don't just aim to be a professional network - we aim to work with companies and universities to promote skills, jobs and people that hold real value in the current and future job markets. We hope to preview a bit of this once we launch 'university leaderboards' on the near future. That's all I can share for now, but we do hope to keep this list growing!! :)
Chris Prescott
@ujzeee I like the idea of combining projects with pre-employment / talent discovery! Thanks for the reply and good luck with this :)
Udara Jay
@cpresc Thanks Chris!
Dallas Elliott
Love the idea and design! Is this meant to replace the résumé? I'd love to ditch my other résumé for this, but PDF Export is required for most job applications. Is that on the agenda?
Udara Jay
@internetnun Thanks! :) Yup it's meant to be an all-round resume replacement. A neat resume-exporter's coming soon - expect it to be available by next week!
Sagar Shah
Udara Jay
@_sagarshah Give it a shot if you may and let us know what you think! :)
@ujzeee how did you come up with the name of the product? And do you expect any problems with Tidal, since it is named quite similar?
Udara Jay
@ernstmul It came from tidl.es, we don't expect it to be a problem since the services aren't related.
Marcel Darvas
Looks good! Just I signed up from my phone. There are definitely some things to be worked out with the responsiveness.
Udara Jay
@marceldarvas That's true! We're actively working on a lite mobile version. We'll be making it fully responsive starting with the profiles.
Hey, I found a bug. When setting up an account, it asks to set a profile pic. By default, it grabbed my Twitter avatar. However, when I uploaded a different file (as a PNG with a transparent background), the original Twitter avatar was still visible in the background. Hope this helps! :)
Udara Jay
@dmeechan1 Thanks for the heads up! (until we check it out you could definitely replace the avatar off the profile editor https://tidl.es/profile/edit :))
Brendon Rell
@ujzeee Great to see quality products coming out of UWO! Congrats - signing up to try this out now. All the best!
Udara Jay
@brendonto Hey! Thanks! Let us know if you like it! :D
chayan roy
Looks like the site is un usable, couldn't figure out how to setup the profile :/
Domain no longer resolves. 🤔
Jorge Santos
website offline