Hiten Shah

Thum.io - Website screenshots done right

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Niv Dror
I made a GIF of a website screenshot generator getting a screenshot. Does that count as meta? 🤔
Zeki Mokhtarzada
@nivo0o0 Hah! I wish you had done a brand new one that the thumbnail itself animated inside of your animation :) You can use URL parameters to make new requests unique.
Lucas Maldonado
@nivo0o0 looks great! what software did you use to record the gif?
Hiten Shah
Here's a neat little service that makes creating and displaying website thumbnails really easy and a better user experience for visitors too. If you need to show thumbnails of websites in your app or on your own website, you'll want to check thum.io out.
Wow. This is awesome. I was actually looking for this few weeks ago and it needed an API to call. I was ok with that option. With thum.io, i don't need an API to call. is that right? If yes, i will give it a try for my next project. When i say, no api to call. I meant explicity API call.
Zeki Mokhtarzada
@sridhar_kondoji That's right. You can embed our url's directly on your site. Our loader is built into the returned image so all you need is an image tag!
@zmokhtar How does the authentication work?
Zeki Mokhtarzada
@sridhar_kondoji When you create an account, you can manage independent keys. You can secure requests by referer, raw-key, or md5 hash.
Adeel Raza
Been using Thumio for a couple of weeks. It's faster and superior to other screenshot services because it outputs a GIF image. This makes it generally faster and also lets you show custom loaders while the image is being loaded. Great job!
Wish could choose length, meaning entire website or just part of it
Zeki Mokhtarzada
@androidlove At the moment, you can get up to 1200 pixels of the website. Use /crop/ to crop that down. We don't have full-page captures yet but we are considering it.
Matt Delac
@zmokhtar @androidlove Full-pasge captures would be amazing 👍🏻!
Guillaume Le Roy
Hi There, Seems great, price is fine, would love to see some options as fullpage/above the fold, personalized resolution (ie for responsive screenshots). A question about your, it says : "2$ for 10000 screenshots". So if I display a screen shot on a page, and the page is called 1000 times, does it count as one screenshot or 1000 ? I assume there is a cache, and saw we can specifiy it duration, if we don't what is its duration ?
James Hunt
Awesome little tool. Been using a Mac app called Paparazzi for a while, this will probably replace it 😎
Laszlo Varga
I love this idea :) I'll give it a try!
Siddharth Arun
Wow, this is exactly what I needed for my next project!
Fiess Edouard
Love the pricing options: Good or Better... pricing done right :P
Didi Medina
why not flat pricing or free option?
For all of you cheap bastards https://s.wordpress.com/mshots/v... welcome ;) hehehe
Clement Tang
Doesn't support Chinese characters?
Mitja Perko
Nice. How do you solve the problem of when the page finished loading?
Mitja Perko
I found one problem. If the only difference is only in hashtag, then you use cache although it should be a different image. See: https://www.sniptracker.com/Dash...