@scomopolitan Hey Jules, Luke from Spot here. People use Spot to find the best places according to experts and the friends they trust, rather than relying on ratings and reviews from strangers. We always design to empower existing, real-world behaviors: people read expert reviews, ask friends for recommendations, and make lists of the places they love or want to try. Hope that helps :)
Foursquare never took off with me... I'm not sure if this may be a UK thing but I've just never felt the need to use something like this although I see the value in it.
Maybe it is the factor that it is another app to use. There was an app that used Twitter to recommend bars and restaurants in London but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called. Plus I didn't use that either!
It does seem useful but I'm yet to jump on the bandwagon.
@bentossell I agree, I've only really found apps like Foursquare and Yelp to provide value if I am traveling or if I were living within a large city with a ton of places to explore (makes sense since Foursquare started in NYC).
What these location discovery apps might need to get into is making suggestions for cities to travel to where they also have a lot of data on great spots to visit while traveling there. That would take them out of the passive use cases and into more of an active use case in my opinion.
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