Hello hunters,
I'm Dima Dewinn, co-founder of Thngs, a place for every thing, as we call it, where any thing can be easily found, reviewed, collected, even re-created.
Thanks for your up votes! If you have any questions or comments, I kindly ask you to share them with me. I am thrilled to tell you more about Thngs.
We are surrounded by things. Each thing is a source of objective information, information about our past, present, and even future. Things are the physical memory of humankind. But things break, get damaged, and disappear over time. The physical preservation of all things is not possible, but we can preserve information that things contain. Saving information about thing, we save the thing itself. For this purpose we made Thngs.
In nearest future anyone can add and edit data about things, including files and videos. If any collectors, producers, or enthusiasts want an early bird invite, let me know, please.
@dimadewinn Great product! BTW, having mobile app would be a great benefit. Voting mechanism like the one on PH would also give some more engagement and fun.
This is really awesome. I can see myself getting lost for days in this. Really beautiful experience and I just like the idea so much of being able to have one place that I can refer to when I want to know about any thing, rather than have to default to the Google.
@dimadewinn When you mention in your comment about "re-creating" things, it made me think about my friend @bhanu's company www.maker.me. What a great way to prompt the makers of all the things around us to contribute their knowledge and story through these two platforms.
@dimadewinn great project is cataloging creation. Wish you the best. @playswithfood indeed. Would be great to see Maker stories behind many of these things.
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