
Slaps - Social network for music


A social network for music from DistroKid.

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Philip Robertson
@hunterwalk I miss F*ckedcompany...
Rick Turoczy
@hunterwalk @britrock Same. Now more than ever.
seth hillinger
@hunterwalk not to mention he's one of the nicest, smartest, and most generous people I've come across in MusicTech.
Nice Idea. UI looks very dated. I can see overwhelming spam on here and it will only grow with time, I hope Philip has some ideas to combat that. I have good expectations for this though.
Ryan Hoover
Music is so hard, but glad to see more experimentation. Also, love the name, @pud.
Seems sort of like SoundCloud meets Facebook? Interesting, but I'm immediately biased against it because my preferred username was already taken by someone back in January who hasn't posted a single thing.
Adrian Kwiatkowski
I’ll always support anything @pud makes :) Here’s my profile if you’re up to some new music though #shamelessplug https://slaps.com/Kwiatkowski
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Interesting mechanic: "Your comment/track ratio (CTR) is 0.00. Minimum CTR of 5.00 is required to upload music"
Piotr Gaczkowski
@chrismessina Hmm, but if you have no tracks and no comments, the ratio should not be 0, right? Something closer to NaN, I think...
Rafiq Maniar
Surprised by how well this functions on mobile. Props to the engineering team. It works better than SoundCloud.
Dirty Hippie
Am unable to register (safari on iOS). Tried twice, with two different (unique) email addresses.