Think with Google
Put Google research and insight behind your thinking.
Marcos T. Moralez
Data Gallery by Think with Google — Put Google research and insight behind your thinking
Ryan Hoover
Tons of interesting stuff here. Atlas by Quartz is similar but visually communicated.
Marcos T. Moralez
@rrhoover First time hearing about Atlas. Looks like I'm gonna be here a while, so much interesting data!
Vilav Bhatt
@rrhoover There's also the recently launched Quartz Index.
Ryan Hoover
@vilavbhatt ahh, I missed that!
@rrhoover <3 — have you seen Magenta yet?
Marcos T. Moralez
Back your best ideas with Google data. The Data Gallery allows you to quickly and easily get Think with Google’s latest insights. It’s the data I love from Think with Google—just bite-sized. I personally enjoy reviewing the industry data points for overlooked opportunities to capitalize on.
João Antunes
Dang, did PH just crashed a Google website? :D
Drew K.
Would be awesome if they could ad a Jobs segment to help job seekers understand employers and vice versa.
Jay Cho
So many interesting numbers.
Mehmet Perk
Procrastinate with flair.
Germán Castaño
This is an awesome idea, a good source of statistical data is always needed for presentations, posts and even for validating a business idea.
Adrian Rubin
Google is such a big entity now that if you are not using data regarding this you are really behind in your work and for your marketing. Google data is incredibly important for work
Phil Rybka
Awesome idea, would be great if they open the data behind the stats and add sql console there so it is possible to further refine the statistics and share it to other users
Abhilash Jain
This is a great resource , very helpful indeed.
Emad Hamdy
Data Gallery is really awesome!! The UI and the way the data is presented is too cool!! Will be really helpful for a quick data point or trends on across industries!! Probably I will be bumping on data gallery often!!
Xenia WordArt
Nice. Good for analytics; taking a course on that... loads of SQL in there
Doulos Jose
I wish they had data segments by region like say mobile user moments in India alone.
Manuel Antonio González Jiménez
This is AWESOME!
Pocket Silbermintz
I've wanted this for forever. This is my new favorite site :)