Thanks for taking a listen, folks - this is a short one, and my first solo podcast recording (ever!). Hope you enjoy.
This week's topics: E3's big virtual reality presence, Microsoft's Hololens and Aecom team up to bring augmented reality to the American mulitnational company's engineering and construction projects, Oculus catches heat for secret exclusivity deals, VRSE changes its name to Within, Magic Leap and Lucasfilms team up to bring Star Wars into your home, Star Trek releases an amazing multiplayer Bridge Crew, and Michael Bay brings explosions to VR.
Hosted by Malia Probst @themalia
Our podcast is the audio from a weekly live, participatory video show - every Thursday @ 7PM PST/10PM EST. Join us live here:
Real Virtual Show - Ep. 4 Video Games to Virtual Reality w/ Daniel Dilallo, iTunes @