Laura Klein

Why We Fail - Learn from other people's failures.

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Laura Klein
This book is fantastic. A lot of people talk about the value of learning from failure, but Lombardi actually spent years researching these stories and talking to the people at these companies so you can learn from their mistakes. Anyone working on a software product should read this. Rosenfeld Media is offering a 25% discount just for Product Hunters. Use the code PHLOMBARDI
Victor Lombardi
@lauraklein Thanks Laura! It was a ton of work to write, but so worth it when Don Norman agreed to write the forward, and it's getting great reviews on O'Reilly and Amazon. I'm happy to answer any questions from hunters. And if you want a free taste here's an excerpt from the story on Google Wave:
Jessica Tiao
@threefour I was lucky to get a copy of your book as a gift from the awesome team at UXPin. Are there any plans to publish a 2nd edition?
Victor Lombardi
@jessicatiao Thanks Jessica! About a 2nd edition, I wonder what my publisher @louisrosenfeld would say? :-o
Billy Chavalit
Thank you Laura for a great recommendation. I also love your podcast. A friend recommended it and now I'm hook learning from you and Kate Rutter. Can't wait for a new episode. :)
Laura Klein
@billy_chavalit Thanks, Billy! I think the book is really helpful. I'm a big fan of a lot of the Rosenfeld Media titles, which is one of the reasons my next one is being published there. Glad you like the podcast too. We're planning on recording more soon. We just have to find a time when we can both have a few drinks and think of something to complain about.
Laura Klein
@billy_chavalit Thanks. I can't wait to be done writing it. :)
One of the best books on my list for Product Design. Really good read. Highly recommend it