Nice & clean look but aren't there already similar things out there that randomly shows you a startup company? I think I saw a similar product a few weeks ago.
@ryanheybourn What I like about The Startup Button is that it also offers an overview list of recent & featured startups beside the show me a random startup button. The other sites don't seem to have this helpful feature.
When Startup Button got featured for the first, I used the paid service and got significant traffic. One benefit I got out of it, was to load test my new site and few users. It was a good experience.
I really do like the simplicity of the site! Congrats on the launch! I see that you can share startups to other social platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Product Hunt, Angel List). Is there a reason why you didn't add a comment feature on the site?
The design is awesome and the mobile site is pretty good too. All in all a great product that does exactly what it's set out to do in a very effective and beautiful way.
I've clicked the button probably 10 times... and I've already looped back the same startups. Are there seriously that few in your system or am I clicking the button.... wrong?
One of my favorite things to do in my free time is to learn about new and awesome startups happening around the world and this makes it 10x easier. Great job with the project, you've got something amazing in your hands @ryanheybourn :)
Good idea and execution! We had a similar problem on for the unique visits. We needed to make sure each user would vote once only. I am saying this because the only thing I would Improve on your site is to have the startups not show up more than once.
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