@rrhoover ha yes but @grosswmn cancels out the need to use a bathroom! but really I wonder what the volume of of the container is compared to the typical female bladder. I would fill that up quickly :)
@mwaxwell Your product sounds awesome!! Glad more than one of us is bathroom minded. And no need to worry about filling it up--there's a big hole at the bottom that empties the liquid out quickly enough.
I heard about y'all from the Slate article (which I *hated*) and initially, I associated your brand with a lot of the weird and strangely ignorant feminism opinions in it --took me a while to disassociate, especially since the funnel is pink. Ultimately, I think it's great for festivals, or for people who can't "hover." So, good luck!
@stttories I wonder how distribution goes, cause I would pay BIG BUCKS while in line for something like this, but would never remember to bring it. Maybe StandUP could sell boxes to charities for fundraisers, so the charities could charge a little extra and stand by the bathrooms for a good cause? I mean, you could sell to a regular retailer, too, but I think that getting the right to stand by the bathrooms would be easier if you had charity credibility.
@KikiSchirr That's actually genius - or Stand Up partners with Festival X which budgets XXXXX for sanitation, donates the Stand Up to charities for in-line donations. I can envision little bathroom packs with a few antibacterial wet wipes and extra TP. Would've killed for that at Coachella.
@stefanobernardi - @stttories got it right! - Both of the funnels you mentioned are reusable, and made out of stiff plastic. This means 1) you'd have to wash them before next use (and figure out where you're gonna put them until you get a chance to wash) and 2) there's also the matter of convenience - they wouldn't slip super easily into a clutch purse or pocket. These are the main utility differences. I also think there's a style difference-- The Stand Up was designed with a fashion conscious crowd in mind. I'm never embarrassed to take it out of my purse, no matter what type of event I'm attending.
@grosswmn fair enough! Seems like the most sensible and cheap solution as well.
Good job, I'll buy a bunch for my wife!
I've always realized how privileged we, men, are.
@uxandrew the Stand Up is disposable, unlike the She-Wee (gasp :O ). And it runs a bit less expensive than the P-Mate (also disposable/biodegradable).
And branding don't hurt.
There was a Fast Co. article about this product a while back.
They sell P-Mate at the grocery store checkout lines here in Israel, and I remember hearing about She-Wee a while back. Unforgettable name!
Is there a USP compared to P-Mate and She-Wee?
Great product but seems a little expensive. Is this marketed for daily use or is this mainly meant for events and festivals? Because it seems way over priced for daily use. The cheapest unit price is 70 cents. The average person urinates 6-9 times a day. This comes out to ~$100-200/month! Seems like in order for it to be as ubiquitous as tp in your bathroom it needs to get below ~20 cents each?
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