
The New York Public Library Digital Collections - 67K+ tems digitized from The NY Public Library's collections


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From their site: On January 6, 2016, The New York Public Library enhanced access to all public domain items in Digital Collections so that everyone has the freedom to enjoy and reuse these materials in almost limitless ways.
The tagline should actually say 670K+ and not 67K+. If someone at PH could swap that out, I would be grateful.
Jacqueline von Tesmar
OMG this is incredible!
Greg Gibson
What are the grander implications of this?
Sarthak Grover
I am always blown away by the handwriting (as seen in the screenshot as well) and makes me wonder if we have regressed significantly in this art of writing using our actual hands (and not some app which does it for us) now that we are so dependent on keyboards and auto-corrects-tech. Great to see these collections available online. Product idea - Crowd sourcing to uncover neat stuff from within this collection.
Donté Ledbetter
This just made my day!
I think there needs to be more printed on cardstock postcards.. but not send them to a address that you dont have; so can we find a away to send a postcard to a email address , that will send it to the postal mail box of the said owner of email address. Free idea - I give it to the Public domain.
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