Every week @tuckermax@charliehoehn and @nilsAparker sit down with me to help with my problems meeting and dating women. I am a pale ginger from Ohio who just moved to Austin.
Tucker and Nils break down my mini-dates. They give me much needed fashion advice (I made big mistakes here), feedback on my first date / meeting conversations, and more ways to reframe my dating mindset and goals so that I have more fun and better results.
- Why it’s important to recognize, celebrate, and internalize your wins (confidence)
- How writing 5 minutes/day slowly changes your thinking & happiness
- One easy way to know a girl wants to kiss you.
- Charlie reads my odd but funny texts
- Women look into and over-analyze texts far more than men do
- Being the best version of you VS the best version of someone else
- Accepting yourself for who you are, letting people in, and making good friends
@ Beginning – My dates and updates from the past 2-3 weeks.
@ 8:00 – Gym analogy
@ 12:30 – Recognizing and celebrating the small wins
@ 22:00 - Updates with other girls
@ 29:30 – Girls, gum, and kissing
@ 33:00 – I got insecure about taking her back to my place because I have no furniture
@ 34:30 – Charlie reads my texts
@ 38:00 – This was a blown opportunity.
@ 47:00 – Being the best version of yourself VS the best version of somebody else
@ 54:00 – Accepting yourself for who you are
@ 55:00 – Making an effort to make friends with good people
The Mating Grounds - 1: Helping Joe