Joe Antenucci

Helping Joe - 8: She's not really out of your league - How not to psyche yourself out and not reject yourself

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Joe Antenucci
Every week @tuckermax @charliehoehn and @nilsAparker sit down with me to help with my problems meeting and dating women. I am a pale ginger from Ohio who just moved to Austin. Tucker and Charlie try to regroup and talk about my other dates that I went on, but they get right back to emotional issues that caused me to completely lose confidence on a different date. My favorite quotes from this episode: "Guys who think they are 'out of her league' automatically disengage, leaving the woman wondering, 'I don’t know why he wasn’t into me.' " “You don’t know what she is looking for. She could be looking for the exact things that you have. Why don’t you let her determine that before you cut it off without giving it a shot.” “Could you imagine the 10th man on the Lakers saying, ‘I’m not good enough to start so I’m not going to be in the league.’ ”