The Guardian
Hope is Power
David Iwanow

Snippets by The Guardian — Extra information you need to understand complex stories


Snippets are small reusable pieces of journalism that are designed to give you more context to help you make sense of this complex world we live in

Hayden Evans
Similar to what Vox does with their “cards” concept - but these ideas of giving extra context are very important for all legitimate news outlets to start implementing these days in the face of misleading biased journalism that borders on propaganda
Greig Cranfield
The Guardian are benefiting from what looks like a great team setup focusing on product. This is great.
David Iwanow

Great to see new technology features being rolled out to empower readers


Makes complex stories easier


More visual elements

Harrison Malone
Really excited to see the progression of this! I won’t be needing to go to Ask Reddit or just another website to learn more about complex issues as often :)
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
Applause. When everyone else zigs, the Guardian zags. The Inequality Project is project is another excellent example.
Chris Wilk
Hi everyone Thank you for your kind words and support. The team and I really appreciate it! If you have any ideas and feedback for us, please complete our ideas form:
Fantastic journalistic idea
Karim Maassen
Cannot applaud this enough.
Benoît Travers
The Guardian has without a doubt got the best news app out there; and best journalism