The Good Snail curates fun independent designer greeting cards that buyers can personalize and have mailed for them while still maintaining the authenticity of the sentiment.
As a creative who is passionate about connecting people, I am excited to share The Good Snail community with the PH community (bucket list ✔️). My passion has always been within the greeting card industry, so I wanted to support a range of independent greeting card designers while making it easy for the masses to purchase these hilarious and heartfelt cards.
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when many people, including myself, endured lost connections with families, friends, and loved ones, I found a renewed sense of purpose in building a platform that connected people through customized greeting cards while showcasing and supporting talented and independent designers’ artistry. In this social media age, it can be tough to dedicate time to finding just the right card, coming up with a meaningful message to write in it, and getting the darn thing out to the mail on time! I want to give people the chance to send cards without hassle. We have made it extremely easy to purchase and personalize while keeping the integrity and quality of each card. The Good Snail is a labor of love supported by amazing designers who have believed in it from its inception.
We want to share 25% off to the PH community using discount code: HUNTERSMAIL
Looking forward to hearing from the community!
@juliereif has always been a huge supporter of independent greeting card companies as long as I've known her and The Good Snail is the evolution of that. As one of her artists, she's been nothing but amazing and offers us independent artists amazing commission rates compared to others I've worked with and the quality of materials and attention to detail The Good Snail gives to each order makes me proud to be on the roster <3
The Good Snail provides me with a way to send my friends cards that match the mood, that I can either have sent to me so I can handwrite, or I can pick one of their fun fonts to mail to my friends directly. There's a card for every moment in someone's life, with an amazing slate of designers to choose from, which rocks!
The Good Snail
The Good Snail
The Good Snail
The Good Snail
The Good Snail
The Good Snail