Ankur Nagpal

The Complete iOS7 Course - Learn by Building 14 iPhone Apps


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Ankur Nagpal
Arguably the highest quality online course I've ever seen on programming. John and Eliot have recorded over 300 lectures walking you through the creation of 14 different iOS applications from scratch, culminating in a Tinder clone. The course has sold over 20,000 copies to date - but in light of their upcoming Swift course launch, it is completely free for the Product Hunt community. Let's see if we can get @nicholjs and @EliotArntz to answer any of your questions. Disclaimer: My product Fedora ( powers the technology for the teachers.
Eliot Arntz
@ankurnagpal thanks for posting this!
Nikhil Basu Trivedi
@eliotarntz awesome of you guys to give this away for free to the PH community. thank you so much.
Eliot Arntz
@nbt I'm glad you are enjoying it!
Zack Shapiro
What's the ETA on the Swift course? What's that going to cost?
John Omar
@zackshapiro it will launch as soon as Apple releases iOS 8 to the public. I suspect that will be around Sept 9. We're running a presale of the iOS 8 course for $79 here:
Zack Shapiro
@nicholjs very cool. How do you guys break it down? Syntax and iOS APIs taught side by side? Do your courses assume I know nothing about programming or have some knowledge? Neither is a dealbreaker for me, I'm just asking from the perspective of an experienced Ruby and JS dev
Eric Willis
@nicholjs More awesomeness on the presale coupon. Thanks.
John Omar
@zackshapiro Yup, we never separate syntax and programming concepts from interacting with the Cocoa API. All concepts are taught through the process of creating real apps. No knowledge of programming is required. Only a mac computer that can run Xcode 5 / Xcode 6 (for iOS 8).
John Omar
Thanks for sharing this! I'm happy to answer any questions about this course or any of our other courses on
Eithiriel DeMerè
@nicholjs I signed up. Really excited to check it out. Thank you!
John Omar
@nikkielizdemere hope you enjoy!
Wesley Magness
Really happy to see this on ProductHunt! Great use of developer tools like Git and Mixpanel as well... I'm definitely going to try it out when I have time ^_^ Also, solid use of the FlatUI kit
Taylor Hou
all I want to say, "YES YES YES!"
Eliot Arntz
@taylorhou I spit out my coffee and I wasn't even drinking any :)
Taylor Hou
@eliotarntz only thing that could make the course even better would be to use to help the course instructors and students discuss/ask questions/etc... at specific timestamps of the videos. =)
Jason L. Baptiste
This is amazing and I'm very thankful that they've made it available to everyone. Been meaning to finally teach myself Objective C and iOS for a while. Time is now. Thanks again.
Eliot Arntz
@JasonLBaptiste if you run into road blocks hit up the community site: ( Best of luck learning the language!
Michael Hwan
@eliotarntz the community site should be more public because I never knew this existed until I saw this comment here.
Eliot Arntz
@michaelhwan It's our hidden gem. But actually you are totally right. We're working on it.
Ashley Kolodziej
This looks very well-structured. I like that it thoroughly covers both the basics and timely, practical information like social media integration, without making assumptions about your current knowledge. The requested topics are really interesting. How did you gather those initial topic suggestions? I think it's cool you're tailoring your content to real-life problems coursetakers are trying to solve. Looking forward to giving it a try!
John Omar
@ashleykolodziej we take content requests on our forums:
Alex Nguyen
Thanks so much for this. This will be the 10th time I've attempted to learn ios development. Hope it works!
Eliot Arntz
@aelxnguyen I wish you the best! I would say that there will be times that you will have uncertainty. I would simply suggest pushing forward and attacking the course with a little faith. The most successful students have consistently plugged away at the content. Also post to the community discussion board ( when you hit roadblocks!
Eric Willis
This is awesome. Thanks! I'm definitely going to go through the course (and also the Swift one when it goes live).
Eliot Arntz
@erictwillis that's a great strategy - the underlying framework is the same so learning the iOS 7 will make iOS 8 much easier.
Ari Zilnik
After years of wanting to learn this stuff... I can't believe I just made this.
Kenny Chen
I took the course a few months ago on Udemy and highly recommend it.
Zack Shapiro
@eliotarntz any ETA on this course? (iOS 8)
Desi Saran
Ross Rojek
Very generous. Kudos for doing it.
Eliot Arntz
@SacBookReviewer best of luck with the course!
Successfully signed up! Thanks for making this available for free.
Eliot Arntz
@seakitteh I hope you enjoy the course!