Syd Lawrence

Libby - The intelligent knowledge assistant for Workplace by FB

Libby is the intelligent on demand knowledge assistant for Workplace by Facebook that makes your company information more accessible than ever before. Built using The Bot Platform.

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Jacqueline von Tesmar
Hey @sophtly, Can you tell us more about what you've built here and how it is best used?
@jacqvon I hope this helps to answer your question: Libby was born from a frustration of an out of date wiki. 😩 As a company, we used to keep all our information on our wiki. A wiki which nobody owned and nobody could ever remember it’s URL. Once you did eventually stumble across it, you’d realise that the wiki didn’t even have the answer to your question and you’d have to go hunting for the right person to ask. All in all a time consuming and frustrating experience. Know the feeling? The wiki existed for years, though I believe fewer and fewer of us used it. Then, last June, we moved our communication to Workplace by Facebook and, since bots is our business, we suddenly had a new place where we could store this information: in a bot on Workplace! 🤖 Initially, we created a kind of ‘office bot’ which would tell you the door code and answer a limited number of questions but we soon realised that although this office bot was more accessible than the wiki (you just search for the bot in Workplace and there it is), it still wasn’t being updated very often. We tackled this in a number of ways: 1. Even if Libby doesn’t know the answer to your question, she’ll send a message to her boss who can ping an answer straight back to you and add it to Libby’s knowledge base so that she is constantly learning. 2. After she has sent you a response, she asks if the information was helpful or not, and offers an opportunity to give feedback, so that Libby’s manager can see how useful the information is and update it if need be. 3. Additionally, Libby’s manager gets a weekly reminder of the number of unanswered questions or pieces of feedback so that they can slot in a bit of time each week to update her. Having found Libby vital to our everyday working lives, we wanted to share this with everyone else on Workplace by Facebook and create a quick and easy way for others to get rid of their archaic wiki pages and handbooks and start welcoming an ever evolving team member to help with those FAQs. 🤔