Tom Masiero

Tend - Know who your prospects are. Know how they found you.


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Ryan Evans
Well, this definitely wasn't a premeditated product hunt "launch". I saw this on Twitter and was at brunch with the family so the last hour has played out like one of those dreams where you are trying to get somewhere and everything is stopping you :) anyway, really excited to be here and thanks for submitting us. happy to answer any questions.
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
@martyjthomas Hi Marty! Tend looks like a fab tool. Why is it a better option than, say, Google Analytics?
Marty Thomas
@kkdub Google Analytics tells you what's going on. Tend tells you who's doing it. For example - Say that you have a new user sign up for your product/service named is "Joe." Joe first visited your website 3 months ago though Facebook. Then returned last week from your Remarketing campaign. And finally came back today and signed up. Google Analytics would just tell you that somebody signed up today. Tend will tell you that it was Joe, and will also provide his full previous visit history. With Tend, we're trying to make it incredibly easy for you to answer the question - "where are my customers coming from." Is that helpful?
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
@martyjthomas Totally! (Since most of us have GA, it helps to explain new analytics tools in its context.)
Frank Fumarola
@martyjthomas Google Analytics can do that with user id reporting. And with cross-device reporting layered on top. What are some of the other perks, here? Attribution, especially cross-device / session, is a hard problem so interested to hear how you think Tend differentiates.
Benjamin Milsom
@martyjthomas Wow this sounds cools! I wonder if @echosec_uk could use this as we have just launched our new product. Can you only retrieve the name once the potential customer has signed up to something on your own website?
Marty Thomas
Hey @ffumarola. Did you see Ryan's response to @jus10mcgill? Goes over some of what makes Tend different. Is that helpful?
Tom Masiero
ht @earthlingworks on this. Let's see if @ryanevans will jump in and discuss
Ryan Evans
@blendahtom thanks Tom!
Elyse Phillips
Tend is fantastic! It's a great tool to track visitors to your website!
Ryan Evans
@elysephillips thank you Elyse :)
Dylan Jhaveri
Does the javascript library play nice with single page applications, specifically built with angular?
Marty Thomas
@dylanjha Hey Dylan. Ya - you can place it on single page sites. And I don't see any reason why it wouldn't play nicely with angular. Reach out if you'd like some help getting it installed.
Yakov Karda
@ryanevans Great tool, it's like Kissmetrics made simple, love it!
Ryan Evans
@yakovkarda Thanks Yakov :)
Ryan Evans
@ffumarola Hey Frank - Thanks for the questions. I completely agree with you that the people with the largest budgets care about having tons of data. Tend isn't really built for companies with gigantic ad budgets and millions of monthly visits. Our customers usually don't have the need or capacity to analyze and take action on a large number of metrics. We focus on providing a much smaller set of actionable metrics in an intuitive way. For the multi-touch attribution, we tie referral traffic sources with individual users via a cookie. And we allow our customers to push any offline data they have via our API. We then apply a weight to the sources of traffic to try to assign fair credit for each conversion. Thanks!
Sounds intriguing, do you use deep linking for this?
Marty Thomas
@romanzadyrako you can use deep linking, but Tend does not require it. Were you looking to use deep linking to track specific campaigns/content?
@martyjthomas Thanks, I was just trying to understand how you can distinguish between sources and user actions with adequate accuracy, so my guess was some kind of deep linking.