With Tempo for Apple watch, we focused on a new way to visualize your day. We adopted a clock interface as you would expect on a watch but overlayed your events (busyness) alongside the perimeter of the interface.
This allows you to quickly visualize time as you normally would but also see your next event and see your whole day at a glance. Our designers did a fantastic job and we're excited to make this live.
In addition to re-thinking the interface of calendar for the watch, we focused on 1 super key use case, the dreaded "I'm running late." Tempo for Apple Watch periodically checks your location to provide you real-time drive time to your next event so you can quickly 1-tap you're running late. This is really just the first step as we continue to iterate to bring a fuller assistant-like experience to your wrist!
Enjoy and look forward to your feedback!
Great design and another interesting use of the Apple watch. Love the "I'm running late" feature, would be perfect for some sort of public transport integration like Citymapper.
I love the circular interface! The built in weather app has a similar one, and the activities app too—I won't be surprised if we see more third party apps adopting this sort of UI.
GPT Food Cam