Heyyyy.... Where'd you guys get"MICA" from?? !😹That's how we say "kitty" in my native language (Croatian), and I planned this to be the name of the next female kitty I adopt! Anybody on your team from the Balkan region?
@kris_bethea exactly! I named the chatbot after my own cat Mica, after the Czech meaning of "Kitty". Usually also only Slavic people pronounce "Mica" correctly at the beginning :)))
@electrobabe that's awesome!! As a huge cat person (I have 2 rescues rn) with Slavic background, I appreciate what you did here😊.Yea - that was gonna be my next question: how do you pronounce it for your brand? We'd say "mitza", but I'd imagine Americans saying: "Mika" or like the name "Micah"
@kris_bethea yeah, that's kind of a problem that I chose a name for that bot that has a Slavic meaning. but I don't care how people pronounce the name, if only they are happy with Mica! ;)
After Facebook Messenger and Skype: 🐯 Mica the Hipster Cat is now also available on Telegram. Fascinating to see how fast bots can be ported from one platform to another. 📱🤖
Thanks, @tosh__ for featuring me on Product Hunt! <3
I'm Barbara, the mother and maker of Mica, the Hipster Cat Bot for Telegram! Ask me any question that comes to your mind about chatbots, AI, UX, development...
Mica, the Hipster Cat Bot helps you discover the best places!
- you can ask her about coffeeshops in Paris or pizza in San Francisco. simply send her your GPS location as attachment or tell her a city name!
- You can also send inline requests to her or add her in group chats
@natalie_korotaeva Thanks for the question! There are far more different possible components available on Telegram compared to Facebook or Skype such as the inline requests. Implementing them was a bit challenging ;)
@electrobabe do you came across users who send unnecessary stuffs despite knowing the functionality of bot or try to use your bot to also ask unnecessary questions?
@ipuneetsingh yes! a lot! :)
Some people start to swear just for fun or send disturbing questions such as “where is Barbara?” ;)
Since Mica also has quite a narrow aim (to find hip venues worldwide), people are usually quickly
satisfied when trying a chat.
@ipuneetsingh With Mica I learned a lot about user experience-design. Most people just try out which combinations or commands a chatbot understands and where its capabilities and limitations lie. For instance, there is still no common standard established for chatbots, although most understand “hi”, “start” and “help”.
@elizabethhunker fun fact: Telegram decided (on Mica's Telegram birthday) to re-add a deprecated field (new_chat_partizipant, renamed on april 9!) and destroyed my API
@msch thank you! I do not curate the list. Mica is a mashup of Foursquare, TripAdvisor, and Yelp. I just search in their API for certain terms such as "hip" or "trendy" ;)
Hey Barbara! Congrats with Telegram users coverage! Just found out Mica's 'Purr thing' — it is cool )) My cat rarely does it. Cheers from ChatBottle ;)
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
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Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
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Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant