Ryan Hoover

LaCroix Tee - Everyone's favorite bubbly beverage on a t-shirt

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David D. LaCroix
Easiest upvote I've ever given...
Ryan Hoover
A few months ago @mknepprath sent me a LaCroix fan art drawing on Twitter. Finally, with his permission, here's the Teespring campaign selling at cost. 😊
Noni Israel
@rrhoover @mknepprath Beautiful! Gotta get 1!
Kathleen Smith
Looks like peach pear flavor 😍
Joshua Dance
Serious question for LaCroix lovers. Were/are you heavy soda drinkers? I can't stand LaCroix but I drink maybe 4 sodas a year.
Steve Luvender
@joshdance Yes. I used to drink a 20 oz. bottle of soda daily. So much sugar. Switched and never looking back.
Hassan S. Ali
@bite @joshdance ditto! i used to be HEAVY into Diet Coke. like two 20 oz bottles a day at least. like steve, a friend persuaded me to wean off by going La Croix, and one thing led to another, and i've been "clean" from diet coke for like 2 years.
Nice =)
Chris Short
I wish this came in a color other than white.
Mort Goldman
@chrisshort Get me a good image of the art and I can put it on any color shirt you want. About to make myself some shorts with it.
Ryan Williams
A good read if you're curious about the recent popularity of La Croix: http://vox.com/2016/6/20/1166631... @rrhoover
Collin Davis
@rrhoover @mknepprath any other flavors to come?
Michael Knepprath
@lumbadoja @rrhoover Hadn't planned on more, but I may have to consider it now. 😁