Abhinav Prakash

TED SMRZR - Read, summarize, compare and translate TED / TEDx talks .

TED SMRZR, an AI-powered platform, lets you read your favourite TED talks and compare the similar TED talks which would save your time. The talk/summary would be available in 73+ languages. No signup is required to access this free-of-cost platform.

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Abhinav Prakash
šŸ‘‹ Hey there Hunters! A Bunch of college kids has created this platform for the community. While searching for the best ted/TED talk, I got confused due to the presence of similar TED talks. And when I randomly selected one of the talks, I realized that it wasn't something I was looking for and I got my time wasted. So I hit upon an Idea. why not create a platform where you can compare similar Ted/TED talks by reading the summaries of them. Also, the tagline for TED happens to be "ideas worth sharing". But what I found was that most of the TED talks were in English. The Ideas are so powerful that they can change lives. Then why limit it to a particular language. Taking all these shortcomings into account, we created this AI-powered platform that lets you: āœ… Read your favourite TED/TEDx talk/Summary. āœ… Compare similar TED/TEDx talk by reading their summaries on the same tab. āœ… Have the translation for your favourite TED/TEDx talk / Summary on 73+ languages. šŸš€ Free. No signup is required. We invite you to use our platform and we welcome your valuable feedback. Thank You.
Abhinav Prakash
@bochkovaleks Thanks ā¤ļø
Great job on describing how it works on your landing page!
Abhinav Prakash
@ludwig_stumpp Thanks :). We laid special emphasis on it.
@neurlap Sounds great. However, I think it would be a great effort to improve on your summarization algorithm / service you are using. When I was trying it out, it was rather deciding which sentences to skip instead of summarizing the overall conveyed messages.
Abhinav Prakash
@ludwig_stumpp Yes, we'll try to use some more modern summarizer. Actually the thing is we have decided to not monetize our platform. And we are still students So, we can't afford more compute resource.
@neurlap Yeah I see. Any chance using the HuggingFace python library for that?
Make Good
Very cool idea, i enjoy watching they videos as a background, but sometimes i either start thinking about something else or just don't have enough time to check the topic i want. So i postpone it. So i technically can revise or check the theme - nice šŸ‘Œ How do you manage 73+ languages?
Abhinav Prakash
@make_good it's an automatic translation based on AWS translation service.
Beautiful product.ā¤
Abhinav Prakash
@r_k_p Thanks :)
Akash Prasad
Great work team ā¤ļø
Rahul Mathur
Kadak maal
Abhinav Prakash
@rahul_j_mathur Dhanyawaad ā¤ļø
Stanley Satyukov
It's really useful! Thanks, team! :)
Abhinav Prakash
@westyer Thanks, glad you find it helpful :)
Farokh Shahabi
As a TEDx organizer, I really liked the idea
Kovalevskyi Andrey
Great job! Helpful for me. Also, it will help to learn a new language :)
Abhinav Prakash
@akovalevskyi Glad you find it helpful ā¤ļø
Girdharee Saran
Interesting idea. Hope you keep building it further. Few observations Summary based on auto transcripts? Some ideas are powerful by the way they are communicated. How do you ensure the message in not lost in translation? Kudos to the efforts.
Abhinav Prakash
@giri Thank you :). 1. Some of the summary are based on auto transcript. This because a lot of TEDx videos are not having official transcription. It goes like this. First check whether official transcript is available or not If available: Send it directly to the summarizer AI model. Else: a)Fetch the auto transcript. b) Punctuate it. c) Then send it to summariser Ai model. 2. Yes, we are using AWS for translation and they are having state of the art translation. But again it's not as accurate as human translation but it's doable. 3. Yes, we've gathered lots of feedback from Product Hunt and now there are lots of things in the pipeline.
Great idea man šŸš€
Abhinav Prakash
@imvishp thanks :)
Cool thing! Congrats!
Abhinav Prakash
@danielwayne Thanks a ton :)
Mary Kh
Thanks a lot for ur product!
Abhinav Prakash
@marynotj Glad you find it helpful
Reuben Carter
Nice !
Abhinav Prakash
@reuben_carter Thanks , means a lot ā™„ļø
Kirill Shmelev
Awesome idea! Im a big fan of getabstract l, so this thing can definitely shoot out!
Abhinav Prakash
@kirill_shmelev Hopefully ā™„ļø
Laurits Just
So cool!!
cool one. Taking time to load content, some bugs too, something that can be improved :)
Abhinav Prakash
@kindacoder Thanks, as we've built this completely free for the community, So we can't use high compute power.(As AI models need heavy resources). And thanks for letting us know about the bugs. Wilk definitely try remove them.
Varino Fahmy
Helpful ā™„ļø
Abhinav Prakash
@varino Glad you find it helpful šŸ™Œ
Looks amazing, congrats! šŸ‘ I love it that I can search between the TED talks through your portal directly, and I don't need to go to youtube. Maybe you could add some featured videos on the homepage, where it'd be enough to just click on them, to make it even easier for newcomers to see, how it does it's MAGIC āœØ
Abhinav Prakash
@johnnyfekete Thanks. Glad you liked our product. Means a lot to us. We've noted your feature request and will let you know here once we shipped it.
Abhi S
very cool, excited to try!
Abhinav Prakash
@awbcer Thanks :). Please share your valuable feedback after you tried it.