This looks good, and I'd like to give it a spin. Where can I download it?
If it is pre-release, you'll get much better results if the product is hidden until launch.
@davidkmckinney Hi David - Thanks for the kind words! We've been sharing an alpha build with a few folks who signed up and have all the right gear in place (Yosemite developer preview and iOS 8 are required). Hit me up @fosteronomo if that's you. We'll email everyone on our list once the open beta is ready.
Anyone know more about how this will work? All app screen recorders I've seen either need a jailbroken iPhone, require an SDK installation, or utilize the Xcode simulator. Would be pretty neat if this solution avoided all those, which the landing page suggests, but isn't totally clear.
@Anderson760 correct, it does require iOS8 and OS X 10.10. It's a little different than Reflector in that you connect via the Lightning cable rather than wirelessly using AirPlay.
@Anderson760 Hi Joe - I checked the sign-up list but didn't see your name on there. Feel free to ping me @fosteronomo and I can get you an invite to the alpha.
@alincatalin the core feature of screen recording are available in 4.4 KitKat via the dev tools. AppShow is trying to do something different in that it isn't just about getting the screen content, but to also help you craft your story and add other elements like voice over, music, and touch visualization.
@michaelmj It looks great. Just a heads up, I tried using the survey to mark down that I had access to both an iPad, iPhone, and Yosemite, and it wouldn't let me submit it until I only selected one of those options, having to uncheck multiple.
@mergesort Thanks for the feedback we've had other people submit with multiple checks before this, but we've simplified it now so others won't have problems.
Interested in playing with it as well. We're about to start expanding the app video work we do for our own apps and considering adding it as a new service for others as well. (If we have to build our own infrastructure, might as well make some money at it.) Plus I think some of the people offering app videos are charging way to much for the end result.
Signed up for the alpha.
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