Daniel Foster

Snagit 2018 - Easily edit your screenshots to keep content up to date.


Snagit is all about making it easy for people who understand a technology or interface to visually explain and document it for people who don’t.

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David Kampmann
I put my review up, but I welcome any questions. I use this as an educator, trainer, UI, and digital/social marketer.
Daniel Foster
Hey all, super excited to be launching the new TechSmith Snagit 2018 🚀. Snagit is all about making it easy for people who understand a technology or interface to visually explain and document it for people who don’t. It’s been heavily adopted by tech writers, trainers, support agents...and plenty of others who work in and around software. For this new version we focused on a very specific pain point voiced by these folks: it’s really hard to keep visuals up to date, given the rapid pace at which technology changes. Snagit now has tools to edit and rearrange the contents of a screenshot or graphic, making it possible to do quick updates without having to stage the screenshot all over again or bug your designer for the files. Some of the new features in Snagit 2018: - Grab Text 📖 : copy text from a screenshot using OCR. Paste it into a spreadsheet or doc. - Smart Move 🚚 : text and objects are automatically identified in a capture and can be easily moved around; auto-fill replaces any “blank space.” - Text Replace ✏️ : after Smart Move finds text in a screenshot, click on it and edit the text and formatting - Snapping 🐢 : as you move text and objects around, they snap into alignment with the canvas and with other objects (Snapping is available now on Mac; coming soon on Windows) There’s a bunch of new tech under the hood that makes all this possible, such as computer vision, OCR, font matching, auto-fill. Our product manager, @chrismlarson, can nerd out with those who are interested in the details. Of course, you can also do many other things with Snagit 2018, like: - Mark up screen captures with smart-looking shapes and text - Blur or pixelate sensitive information - Grab tall or wide scrolling screens - Narrate a slide presentation or doc, as video (webcam optional) - Demonstrate a feature or a few steps via an animated GIF - Find and organize previous captures (auto-saved and tagged with metadata) - Share captures quickly via a link (numerous cloud drives supported), copy/paste, drag/drop, or integration with desktop and web apps Since people often ask about pricing...here’s some info on that. Snagit is a one-time fee of $49.95 for a perpetual license. No subscription required. One license can be used on two of your machines: Mac, Windows, one of each. Team discounts start at 5 licenses. Upgrades from any previous version are 50% off a new license. Add annual maintenance for about a buck a month to get new major versions as they’re released. We love to hear feedback and feature ideas so please give us a shout @snagit or you can contact me directly @fosteronomo or d.foster@techsmith.com. We can’t wait to hear your stories and see what you create with Snagit 2018!
Abhijeet Gandhi

Have used Snagit for two years now. Best product for a product person!


Text grab and edit. Smart move.


Upgrading from a previous version should be simpler.

Daniel Foster
Thanks so much for the kind words, Abhijeet, and for using the new version of Snagit! Which parts of the upgrade process felt most bumpy to you? We are always looking for how to smooth that out.
Abhijeet Gandhi
@fosteronomo Thanks for replying. It took me a while to realize I need to download snagit 2018 separately instead of simply downloading an update in-app. Also since it’s a new download I now have two versions of Snagit on the machine which means I need to delete the older one manually. Would love if there was a feature that detected and then requested for deletion of older versions. But honestly it’s a minor peeve. Still love the product!
David Kampmann

I have been using Snagit for years now. The product keeps improving and becomes more useful all the time. Without it, I would need 4+ apps to do what I need to do.

And the more you use it the better it becomes. Looking for saved captures from specific apps or websites are easy to locate because of tags and searching.

I could go on and on, but this is one of the first programs I install on new computers. And this upgrade is adding usefulness to an already essential app.


Lots of useful features in simple UI


Needs 2 video stream option - webcam + screen.

Daniel Foster
Thanks, David - it's really great to hear Snagit has achieved "essential" status for you! We were just discussing this morning which aspects of the library and tagging people find most valuable...so it's good to hear how you're using that, too. When you mention wanting 2 video stream options...do you mean having both streams visible on the screen at the same time or having both available as separate tracks to edit later in another app?
Chandra Owen

I was so excited when I saw the feature that allows easy updates to text or objects in screen captures. I create training materials and information changes regularly. It is nice to have the ability to edit a previous screen capture quickly rather than set-up the scenario again and collect many additional images. I also create software training materials where I don't have a test account - only actual data. This allows me to easily take a screen capture of real information, but edit any names or other sensitive information rather than have blurs all over the screen. It results in a much cleaner look.


Text recognition and editing - especially when you need to take a screen capture with sensitive data and change to generic data for security


If there are a lot of layers in the screen capture it can be tricky to select the layer you want to edit.

Daniel Foster
Great feedback -- thanks, Chandra! Redacting screenshots is a great use case for the new Smart Move and Auto-fill functionality. Like you said - it's even cleaner than blur. As you get more objects on the canvas, it can be tough to select layers. That's something we have on our radar to improve. Any suggestions for how you'd like to see this work? We want the tool to remain approachable to non-designers so are wary of adding too much complexity here.
Jack Cook

I have used SnagIt for years but each upgrade provides more and more functionality. It is a "must have" tool for your daily PC activities!


SO there are several improvements but the one I like the best is the ability to capture text from a picture and edit it. It is just amazing!


I don't have any. It provides everything I need for a capture utility and more!

Daniel Foster
Thank you, Jack! I keep encountering bits of text that I used to re-type but now can capture. Totally agree on how handy that is.
Raymond Snijders

I've been using Snagit for more than 10 years and it just keeps improving. I use it for creating instruction materials (and my blog) and it is just essential for me. It's the first software i install on a new computer.

Literally the only drawback is that there's a new and improved version nearly every year and getting the new license & installing the new version beside the old version is a hassle. Hopefully there will be a affordable lifetime license in the future and it will be possible to just upgrade from within Snagit (and replacing the old version because really, you'll only want to use the new version anyway)


It has all you need for creating instruction materials and the new Text Grabber is ace!


Upgrading is more of a hassle than it should be. Paying for a new license nearly every year and then installing it besides the old version

Daniel Foster
Hi Raymond - that's helpful feedback. Glad to hear Snagit gets to be 🥇 on your new machines! The side-by-side install of major versions of Snagit addresses two popular customer requests: being able to try the new version risk-free before buying it and being able to transition over more slowly if a favorite feature or workflow has changed significantly. This is especially true for customers using Snagit to create documentation or user guides that may need updates later. Sounds like you would prefer to have an option to just overwrite the old version, though? This is an area we'd like to keep improving. In the past couple of years we introduced things like a TechSmith account. If you purchase a new version while logged into your account, your key is automatically stored in your account and pulled down into the product to unlock it. But there's certainly more we can do to make this easier. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Daniel Foster
One other thought on licensing...a lifetime license that includes all future updates would likely be cost-prohibitive (imagine buying a laptop with lifetime repairs, performance upgrades, new ports and accessories included...you'd end up paying a huge premium up front). But if what appeals to you is the set-it-and-forget-it aspect, we do offer a maintenance program where you can pay $12.50 per year (MRSP, less for educators) and always receive the latest and greatest. We don't have auto-billing options yet but are working toward that. Essentially, you just get an email and a prompt in the product to update to the new version and your new key is already in your TechSmith account. Would that option be attractive to you?