Justin Mitchell

Taste Recovery - AirBnB for sober living homes

Taste Recovery was founded to support those seeking a safe refuge and a new start in their recovery journey. With knowledge of what sober living homes are out there, we offer choices all over the United States to find a home that best fits the individual.

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Leo J Barnett
Hey looks like a really positive product here! Great work. :) Why the name Taste?
Breezy Nowlan
@leojbarnett I was sitting in church and the pastor said to taste something is to discovery by experience and to me, that embodied what sober living was to me!
Leo J Barnett
Thank you Breezy, love that and glad I asked. Many just need that first Taste! Best of luck with it it.
Breezy Nowlan
@leojbarnett Very true, hopefully this platform will make sobriety seem "cool" and they can get the chance to taste what it feels like to be sober for the first time around other sober individuals. It has the potential to stop a lot of harm!
John Meyer
Hello Breezy. Cool concept. I'm recently out of residential rehab. What makes a property/unit TASTE certified?