Full disclosure: This is my own product (I'm a one man army who worked on this for months). There is an online demo if you want to take it for a test drive. Feedback welcome.
@916decker No sorry. Videos become outdated so fast, especially while things changed during and post development. I will probably get around to it sometime, now that the UI and UX is pretty much fixed. There is an online demo if you wanted to see it in action: https://rocketapps.com.au/wproje...
@916decker I've never really used Trello in any meaningful way, so I can't say for certain how they are different, except that because it's built on WordPress you will need your own hosting. But if I recall Trello is totally Kanban board based, wProject has a Kanban board but you don't have to use it (and you can disabled it).
Task Rocket
Task Rocket
Task Rocket
Task Rocket
Task Rocket
Task Rocket
Task Rocket