Kevin William David

Tab Snooze - Browser Extension that snoozes tabs. Mailbox for tabs!


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Kevin William David
If you're working on something important, and stumble upon an interesting article. You don't want to get distracted right now, but you don't want to close the tab either for fear of losing the article. Enter Tab Snooze: snooze the tab to come back later in the day, the next day, the coming weekend, whenever you need it!
This is extremely similar to the add-on a Mozilla developer made. :) I wonder why there's no attribution... (It's even the same design!)
Athyuttam Eleti
Top Product
@sagz Great point, I agree it's very similar. Being very honest here, I didn't know of the Firefox extension until launch (someone pointed it out to me on Facebook.) Tab Snooze's UI was directly inspired by Mailbox though, which is quite similar too.
Nicholas Sheriff
@sagz @athyuttamre Sagar usually brilliant minds separated by distance without ever meetings usually come to the same conclusions which is what you would expect when talking about great design. At the heart of it all ( cars are designed exactly the same ) and two people independently invented what we call Calculus. I see a wonderful MVP here that works and is familiar he doesn't own any sort of ux implementation I see the icons which he's mentioned he'll be updating as having a resemblance to mailbox but he's already mentioned updating this. Also mailbox designers were obviously also influenced by another...and then this list can go on. Athyuttam I'd love to connect with you soon, actually working on something similar for my app would love your help.
Brad Brooks
Any chance of porting this to Safari?
Athyuttam Eleti
Top Product
@ninthart Hopefully soon, Brad! Working on polishing for Chrome first. :)
Athyuttam Eleti
Top Product
Update: Unfortunately the extension is no longer maintained. You can take a look at the source here: === Hello everyone! I'm the developer. Many thanks to Kevin for posting about Tab Snooze. The extension and the UI is very much inspired by Mailbox, but I will hopefully be improving it with original artwork in the public release. Please not that since this is an alpha (literally 0.1), tabs won't be exportable to the future public release. I never expected this to get many downloads, haha. Working on an update right now that adds import/export functionality. Let me know if you have any questions, comments, bug reports, or feature requests! :) - Atty
Athyuttam Eleti
Top Product
@OurielOhayon yay, thanks Ouriel! Let me know if you have any suggestions!
krys (krys/they/them)
Seems cool for making sure you dont bookmark a tab and never look at it again. I have that problem with using oneTab and pocket sometimes.
Athyuttam Eleti
Top Product
Just released v0.2 with a keyboard shortcut (Alt + S) and a way to export your snoozed tabs!
James Lee
this is an awesome idea!
Athyuttam Eleti
Top Product
@jleebiz Thanks James! Let me know if you have any suggestions! :)
Steven Hambleton
Another product worth mentioning is OneTab
Milan vd Bovenkamp ♠
This is great. When @pocket is one step too far. Really cool!
Athyuttam Eleti
Top Product
@pocket @milann Thanks Milan! Let me know if you have any suggestions!
Nathan Sudds
@pocket @milann @athyuttamre I agree, I use Pocket but there's times when you don't have time to see if something you are saving to Pocket is worth it yet and don't want to invest that time yet. I know my account is filled with things that looked interesting but I may never get around to removing them after checking it out more. I also see this incredibly useful for my wife who tends to have a lot of tabs open for later --- this is essentially read later in tab format. Another idea might be recurring features in Tab Snooze to bring up a tab regularly on Monday's for example if you want to be reminded to review a specific things, like a report in your billing webapp, project management app or a spreadsheet in Google docs or something?
Joel Andren
This is great. I use open tabs as a to-do list and get my browser clogged all the time.
Athyuttam Eleti
Top Product
@joelandren Thanks Joel! Let me know if you have any suggestions!
nate parrott
Nice! This is tangential to what Tab Snooze does, but I've always wanted an extension that just takes all my tabs, closes them, and sends them to Instapaper.
Athyuttam Eleti
Top Product
@nateparrott Thanks Nate! Sometime soon, I'll add a way to snooze the entire window. Perhaps that paired with an "Export to Instapaper" option might do it.
Yuval Shoshan
Wow, nice work. I already started to build something very similar, but I think I'll just use it instead. cc @lylemckeany
Lyle McKeany
@yuvals thanks for the mention. I'll give this one a go too
Pizza Yap
This is one of my daily use of Chrome extension! For me it is more like Buffer for Tabs!
Ahmad Awais ⚡
This product was discontinued and a similar but better product is there, try that instead
Karina Mikhli
Absolutely adore this and have been singing it's praises to all my friends.

I love this chrome extension


usable, smart, useful, helpful, comfortable


haven't ios version