Nik Graf

Pepper - A friendly contact widget for your website

Does your website provide an easy and immediately visible way for visitors to get in touch; with YOU?

With PEPPER, your website's visitors won't ever have to CTRL-F again to find that odd "contact" link! PEPPER collects all your contact info in a pretty widget – easy to find, yet unobtrusive!

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Johannes N
Thanks for hunting PEPPER, @nikgraf! We’ve built PEPPER with the goal of making it easier for visitors to get in contact with a website’s owner – through various social medial channels, phone, email etc., without the need to CTRL-F to find that hidden ‘contact’ link in the footer. Thanks for giving PEPPER a try, we’re very much looking forward to your feedback!
Chris Crompton
@jollife @nikgraf Will there be support added for other services like Intercom or That way the web visitor can see live chat as an option to connect as well?
Nick Meagher
@chris_crompton1 @jollife @nikgraf I was thinking the exact same thing, I would love to see integrations with products such as Intercom or just a real-time chat feature in general.
Stephen Campbell
@chris_crompton1 @jollife @nikgraf Touche. This is cool, but the icon is misleading - Most users click that when they want to chat on-screen/in-app. And I want to chat with them!
Gareth Fuller
This looks great! I'll use it on my next project. Couple of extra little things I'd be looking for: 1. Custom color selection for widget button. 2. LinkedIn social channel (maybe there is a reason you didn't add this).
Johannes N
@garethafuller Hi Gareth, 1. we thought about this, but wanted to keep the UI very clean. We might add this feature in the future! 2. There is no easy link for linkedIn, so we decided against integrating linkedIn. Do you know of any easy to get link for your company/user profile?
Gareth Fuller
@jollife I see what you mean about (2). There doesn't seem to be a clean way to know if it's a company page or a user. I know it's not ideal, but maybe just offer a choice once the LinkedIn channel is added (user profile or company page) and adjust the URL's to suit the selection?
Johannes N
@garethafuller but is there a "human readable" url? we tried it and always ended up with some strange and very long urls (no one knows if this is just a temporary url)
Gareth Fuller
@jollife Ahh I see what you're saying. Well, it is possible for a LinkedIn user to adjust their URL so that it is "human readable", e.g., this is mine - But I see that a lot of users have the path /firstname-secondname-idnumber which I guess isn't as 'pretty'. For companies, the URL is So as far as I can tell, all you would have to do would be to switch /in/ with /company/ depending on the user profile/company page setting. and then append their input username. So for me, I'd select 'user profile' then provide you with my username 'gareth-fuller'. With that, you could construct the URL Maybe I'm not seeing the difficulty here.
Michael Kamleitner
@garethafuller Thanks for the input. Maybe we should just allow users to add *any* URL (either company or personal) to the Linkedin option, @jollife?
Luca Hammer
Just added it to my blog. Setup was fast and easy. Thanks!
Stefan Miodrag
Awesome product @jollife, however for some reason when I click the button, it takes a while for it to show up and I can see the HTML for a second. Might just be on my end.
Johannes N
@stefanmiodrag1 thanks, @neuling2k is already investigating!
Vlad Arbatov
Telegram is missing.
Michael Kamleitner
@vladzima Oh noes - fixed! :)
James Tattersfield
Great product. Have you thought about adding in a toggle to change it from 'us' to 'me' - e.g. 'Tweet Me' instead of 'Tweet Us' - for personal / profile / freelancer sites?
Michael Kamleitner
@jtattersfield That's a very good point! We're already thinking about a solution for this... to be quite honest, we didn't think about personal use in the beginning...thx for your input!
Michael Kamleitner
@jonathannabais @jtattersfield We've just added this option! :)
Jonathan Nabais
@_subnet @jtattersfield nice move but what if we prefer Facebook rather than Like Me? Let us change the title and it would be perfect :)
Michael Kamleitner
@jonathannabais @jtattersfield That's something we've discussed, but in the spirit of ease of use decided against at the moment, sorry! :)
Michael Kamleitner
Quick update: you can now switch the labels from "...Us" (Company) to "...Me" (Persona)! Hope that helps for using Pepper on personal blogs, websites etc. Let us know what you think! /CC @ashishsinghxyz @luca @findabhilash
Nic Coates
Neat idea & beautifully executed! Congrats! Looking forward to using this 😸
Johannes N
@gadgick Thanks Nick! We really appreciate any feedback! Would love to see some peppers out in the wild! Please share your link with us!
Matt Delac
Great product! Congrats on the launch 🎉 How are you planning on making it a paid service and if so what is your pricing model?
Johannes N
@mattaussaguel PEPPER will be free forever, as it's just a companion for our main app, (which is the perfect partner for pepper).
Pietz Prove
to me the speech bubble implies a chat, but actually gives me a list of different contact information. maybe in the future you'll add simple contact forms or actual chats. that would make it more useful. also, with the "Get PEPPER for your website!" banner i'd never use it. you're probably planning more features for paying customers, but i cannot see myself becoming one. i can get essentially the same functionality with one of a million different snippets available for free on the web. with a snippet i can also control dependencies, fonts, color, layout and design. but i guess this is targeted at people with very little web dev knowledge. best of luck!
Johannes N
@gopietz thanks for your feedback! 1. we already have a wishlist item for "removing the pepper label from the widget" 2. Of course there is a ton of other widgets with exactly the same use case - but we haven't found one with a solid list of included social platforms. 3. About chat: You're absolutely right. We wanted to keep it simple for our initial launch. If there are a lot of customers who would like to see a chat integration, we're prepared to add this to the widget as well. Until then, there are a couple of good icons to indicate that this is NOT a chat solution. 4. Contact form is definitely on our wishlist!
Pietz Prove
@jollife awesome, looking forward to it. i just read that you don't plan on making money with pepper. that also neglects some of my criticism :)
Johannes N
@gopietz of course, making money, is always the goal. but not with pepper itself :) we just want to get a good audience for our main app
Michael Kamleitner
@gopietz Thanks for your feedback, from my side as well! While, as @jollife said, we don't aim PEPPER being a complete chat solution, we'll definitely think about integrating the FB Messenger widget, f.e.! Stay tuned!
Johannes N
@gopietz custom coloring is now available for PEPPER - thanks for your feedback! ;)
Pame Valdés
What if you already have Drift or Intercom's chat button in the same place? Would this be on top of it?
Michael Kamleitner
@pamevls Yes, however you could still switch it to the other side of the screen (not ideal). For Intercom, integration with that is already on our wishlist! :) Thanks for your feedback!
Pame Valdés
@_subnet Great product! Congrats. I'd also consider, it's getting a lot of traction vs Intercom chat.
nice one!
Michael Kamleitner
@lirantad Thanks! :) Let us know if/where you're embedding PEPPER! :)
Marc Anthony Rosa
Such a slick experience - it took 5 seconds max to get set up and live on my site. Way to go team!
Michael Kamleitner
@marc_rosa thank you so much! :) 5sec? wow, pretty fast!
Florian Lettner
Great widget, will add it to our brand new website tomorrow. :-)
Michael Kamleitner
@florian_lettner Awesome, glad you like it! Let us now the URL of your website, we'll build a best-of gallery soon :)
Michael Kamleitner
@florian_lettner Fretello is looking great, all the best for launching!
Florian Lettner
@_subnet Thanks, just added your widet to the site. It's really great. Maybe you could allow to define custom color codes
Michael Kamleitner
@florian_lettner Cool! :) Custom colors is already high up on the wishlist :)
Noah Kim
Awesome, just installed on my site :). One piece of feedback, I'm only using the email link w/Pepper, but it has this arbitrary "Classic" label on top of the email address. When you have social links with a section called "social", the "classic" label makes more sense, but on it's own, it doesn't make any sense. Maybe an option either show/hide or edit the labels?
Michael Kamleitner
@wuss thanks for the feedback! I've put your request to our wishlist! Let me know of your URL, we might build a showcase gallery in the days coming! :)
Noah Kim
@_subnet Sure, it's We're actually releasing the app to the app store in the next week or so and haven't made the URL public yet (the site is live, but we're not directing traffic to it).
Michael Kamleitner
@wuss Looking great! All the best for launching the app!
This actually looks great - will throw it into my strikingly page asap to test. @swat_io @nikgraf
Ashish Singh
Tried it on my personal site Loving it. 😍 I'd love 'Snap Us' etc. to say 'Snap Me', 'Call Me' etc. Aka. For personal websites. Can be added in just one step. A simple toggle between 'Us' & 'We' ( Salutation?) Thanks. Cheers.
Michael Kamleitner
@ashishsinghxyz Thanks a lot, so glad you like our widget and decided to use it :) The "us" vs. "me" thing is already high up on our wishlist!! :) Will come soon!
Michael Kamleitner
We've setup a showcase gallery with sites where you can meet PEPPER, the friendly contact widget :)
Timur Zhabbarov
Need language support, guys. My audience speaks russian, which means I need labels in russian. Could you help with that?
Michael Kamleitner
@zuluglobe Thanks for your feedback - this is a top priority for us too - stay tuned :)
Michael Kamleitner
@zuluglobe would you help us out with russian? we're doing the feature today :) get in contact at :)
Michael Kamleitner
We now got a language switcher, thanks @neuling2K! :) Any help with translations appreciated, @zuluglobe @jonathannabais!
Michael Kamleitner
@neuling2k @zuluglobe @jonathannabais Now deployed. Espanol! :) Keep em coming!
Jonathan Nabais
@_subnet @neuling2k @zuluglobe ok nice what do I have to do?
Michael Kamleitner
Now deployed: Polish! :)