Happy to launch PageInsights Bot 🤖,! This FB Messenger bot will send you regular reports 🎯 on the key metrics 🔑 of your favorite ❤️ Facebook Pages (fans, reach, engagement for now, more to come)! Moreover, it will (optionally!) push 📩 notifications whenever a post gets published. To get started, just say "Hi" at https://m.me/546239338912463
Appreciate your feedback, since this is my first take on bots, thanks you! :)
@__tosh Not yet, as this is just a weekend project for me right now. Also, the App-Authorization-part (which is quite unique I think - it connects a Bot User-ID with Email-address) is quite Facebook-specific, no idea if this would work on other platforms.
What would be your pick, which platform to support next?
I like that this bot asks, how often I want to get a notification (daily, weekly, monthly)! can I also set the time when I get the notification? also a menu with the content of "help" would be helpful
I use it since its launch some weeks ago and find it useful to keep tabs on my own and competitor pages. Especially ones I don't manage myself, but want regular updates.
Michael was quick with fixing a bug for mobile browser messenger users, where quick reply buttons aren't supported.
I'm looking forward to additional metrics. Maybe even a leaderboard for the tracked pages, similar to the insights page by Facebook itself.
@luca Thanks for your feedback! With the metrics, it's really important to authorize the FB App (you'll be prompted with every report), otherwise we only get *very* limited numbers.
For me the 2nd feature (which was suggested by @jollife), tracking posts actually became the "killer" feature - if you want to follow a favorite page very closly.
Okay... This is pretty great. Would be VERY great if I could use it to hack some insight into the performance & EdgeRank score of my personal profile, but holding out hope for V 1.2. Testing it on some pages now in the meantime!
@elizabethhunker Thank you so much for the kind feedback! Personally I'd *love* insights on the performance of personal profiles...but the FB API provides *zero* information here :(
@_subnet Yeah, I thought as much - still hoped something new happened. Probably for the best that gaming the system doesn't become the predominant focus there
Love the bot! Super handy and an unobtrusive way to keep up with pages. In a way this is more often what I need than the FB Page Manager itself, especially with pages I just want to keep an eye on but not manage myself directly. One wish I have, though: it would be awesome if the bot had a way to manage the detailed reporting time. I tried "send me the update at 9am", but that dosen't work—yet 😉 Anyway, great work, dear Socialisten!
@heckmueller that's a good idea, re. the reporting time - thanks for the warm feedback! :)
In fact I really like the "track posts" feature even more though :)
Serenity Notes