I, for one, am ready for a modern revamp of the Foursquare/Swarm concept that rewards users like me for sharing tips, checking in to places, and mapping the known universe! đź“Ť
Hi everyone!
We are happy to share that Superlocal is now moving into public beta phase!
If you were a fan of the original Foursquare, you'll probably be extra excited about us bringing the idea of a web3 Foursquare to live :)
Today we are shipping:
🤖Localtrotter NFTs
đź‘‘ Mayorship NFTs
✉️ Invite system (sort of feels like Clubhouse with NFT twist)
Love SL, been using it in beta. There’s something amazing about checking in (and earning) to remember all the things I’ve done. Highly recommended.
I love Foursquare/Swarm but it’s been a product that lacks of something important and Superlocal will fill in the gap with the power of Web3 and NFTs.
SMM Agent