Leo Kwan

SuperFit - The easiest way to start a fitness membership.


SuperFit is a mobile app for iOS that helps fitness instructors create workout schedules that make money from subscriptions. Upload or design workouts on the go, and process recurring payments securely with Stripe.

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Leo Kwan
As a solo founder bootstrapping SuperFit, I've learned so many lessons since I took the plunge and left my full-time job late 2018. I basically realized my original consumer facing fitness app would not survive without funding, especially since there are so many free fitness apps and websites with workouts... like YouTube. So I decided to fully pivot SuperFit into a personal training saas product focused on providing a digital storefront for coaches. It's safe to say it was a great decision because I closed several sales weeks after launching! And yes, there will be an Android app down the line, and it is high on the priority list! Would LOVE feedback and would love even more to connect with fellow indie hackers and folks in the fitness space. Let's chat over zoom or email leo@superfitapp.com.
Dallas Gapinski
@superfitapp @leo_kwan There is a huge gap in training young female athletes. This product could be a perfect spot for that
Leo Kwan
@superfitapp @dallas_gapinski1 Agreed 100% with your point, and would love to hear more on your thoughts there!
Michael Sandor
Hey Leo! This is a really interesting concept and your execution looks great. Are you planning on focusing on traditional fitness trainers (i.e. gyms) or fitness influencers (i.e. Instagram) who also sell plans?
Leo Kwan
@mikensandor I appreciate the kind words. Good question— the focus is on traditional fitness trainers & sports fitness professionals (basketball skills coaches, soccer trainers etc). I mention sports coaches because they are definitely laggards in the digital coaching space— partly because many of them don't interface with tech daily. Influencers know the space well, and at first glance they seem like the ideal market. But after reaching out to some folks with significant followings, I found that they're already comfortable with their current setup on Shopify/Wordpress/custom app selling PDFs and docs. Of course that's not the case for all fitness influencers, SuperFit provides the most value when a customers provide the actual service of coaching a client on the app through chat or video calling. I think folks that are not striving to grow massive followings, but instead nail their expertise and niche, and continue doing in-person coaching as the main day-job is the market SuperFit is after.
James Breaux
I love this idea! Reminds me of the saying "during a gold rush, sell shovels". Looks like this is the right tool at the right time for fitness trainers.
Leo Kwan
*October 2020 Update* Key new features: 1. Direct Stripe integration & workout memberships with subscription billing. 2. An *even better* workout builder on iOS and iPad. (search-as-you-type exercise library) 3. Unlimited video uploads with an Instagram-like photo editor 4. Fast video content streaming based on a user's connection speed and device.
Egan Bisma
Landing page looks great! as a heads up, I received this error from the landing page: The webpage at https://player.vimeo.com/video/4... might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. maybe it's just me though
Leo Kwan
@just_egan that's interesting, did you receive that in the dev tools inspector or the error is displayed on page?