Tasos V

Magic Link Auth Issue


Hi everyone! I am trying to implement these 3 things to my NextJS app: 1. Magic Link 2. Google signin 3. Anonymous users login. I am facing a problem with Magic Link though. I followed literally every YT tutorial and your official docs for setting app magic link. It works only for one email address. No other email address works. Does that mean something? The email address that works is the one im signed up in the Supabase account. Also, when I signin with magic link, and set the flag to create a user to true, shouldn't it create a record in the database Users? Thanks!

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Matt Carroll

im not an expert at all, but the gotcha that normally gets me with supabase is not enabling RLS on a table. it's tricky for me to imagine how that is your issue, but just a sanity check. I don't think you need to touch the auth table that supabase itself manages, but if you made a user table and linked them.

Tasos V
@catt_marroll thanks for that! Actually it was not that. What was, which I found out yesterday, it was an issue from my side in the way i implemented the server and the client side rendering from NextJS.