Niko Dunk

sunboxlabs solar kit - Landlord-friendly, self-install Solar + Battery Kit. is launching self-install solar for your apartment, back yard or balcony. This is an experiment: shipping powerful, self-installable, mid-sized kits to anyone within the US and Puerto Rico. See for specs, etc

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Niko Dunk
Hi Product Hunters! 3 years ago I posted an article about a DIY solar project I made myself on Hackernoon and on Medium ( This went to the top of HN for a while and received 200K views in a few days. After offering these Amazon-linked DIY "guides" on for the past 3 years, I've been watching the prices come down and technologies improve. Many people have asked me if I'd sell and support a kit like this over the years, and I believe it's now possible. So here's my pre-sale! I've hand-picked components, and am running something similar in my room right now. This initial run will be lightly-customized parts, shipped to your doorstep and I'll support you installing it safely. It's 200W solar, 500Wh battery, 500W inverter out. If we get to 10 pre-orders before June 26th, then it'll happen (I've actually started organizing supply chain as I've already got a few pre-orders). If not, then I'll re-fund everyone in full. Let me know your thoughts, and thank you!