After running Sumry for 2.5 years and learning a ton in the job hunting space, Stacy is Sumry's first publication of what they've learned and what recruiters have shared with them. It's a collection of answers to common job hunting questions.
I want to know how/when/if this will be turned into a bot! 🤖
@mikaelpittam Hey Jason — that was the goal, to make a place where people who were scouring the internet trying to locate the best answers could come and find it all in one place. Lots of work to do, but we think this is the right direction.
Stacy by Sumry is a collection of all the top answers to the most common job hunting questions. We get into interviewing, resumes, accepting an offer, and more. This all comes from 2.5 years of experience building Sumry ( — the original professional storytelling tool.
Stacy by Sumry has made job hunting so much easier. In the past, I would have to hunt down all this information from hundreds of different locations. So nice to have it all in one place and be able to trust the information based on Sumry's experience in the field
@jeffrey_wyman Thanks, Jeffrey. :) We want it to be super helpful and informational. A bot may make sense in a bit. :) Anyone want to help us make one? Hit me up:
Really excited to see this service live and helping others. Sumry has such a genuine, humanistic approach, and I'm super excited to see how this product offering and resource can help others!