Alex Kontis

Viral Content Marketplace - Clone & embed royalty-free viral quizzes, lists and polls

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Mike Hawkins
Hi everyone… I'm Mike, a co-founder of Riddle. We're super excited about the launch of the first viral content marketplace - and would love to get your thoughts and feedback. The problem we created Riddle to solve? Publishers, bloggers and brands have consistently told us - they love using interactive quizzes, lists, and polls to engage their audience. But they don't have the time or expertise to consistently create high quality content. And for all those folks who create awesome content on the various *buzz sites out there? They're making quizzes or lists that generate millions of page views - for no love, recognition, or money. That's where Riddle comes in (we hope!). Publishers can quickly grab royalty-free viral content around any trending topic, while creators can get paid and build up professional recognition for their successful content. We tried something new as well in our 'clone it or own it' business model. For folks who like free content, they can clone and use any quiz, list, or poll 'as is' - changing the look and feel to match your site, but with no editing the text, images and author attribution. Or, you can buy a license from the creator (they set the price - starting at $5) - and change anything and everything about it, to make this version uniquely yours. Publishers get viral content - creators get either recognition or money. Sounds fair to us… but what do you all think? :)
Mike Hawkins
Oh - and I'll be online all day so ask me anything!
Elia Morling
That's a really cool social media toolkit you got there with quizes, polls and lists. I am curious what more you plan on adding in the future?
Boris Pfeiffer
@tribaling. I'm Boris, CEO and co-founder of Riddle. Thank you for the kind words. We are always working on new content types, mainly things that our creators tell us they want to see. The marketplace was our latest addition to the creation tools, to help website owners who want to benefit from adding quizzes to their sites, but don't have the time, patience or skills to create them. Now that the marketplace is live, we will work on improving our existing media toolkit and adding new Riddle types. If you have an idea or suggestion of what you would like to see, let us know.
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
Hello again, Riddle! I used Riddle in beta and again recently. This new "content marketplace" is an awesome time-saver for content managers and an earning opportunity for content creators. With tools like Riddle, interactive content is inexpensive and quick to produce. There's no excuse for posting flat content on your company's blog and social properties all week.
Russ King
@kkdub Thanks for this Kelly! It's so rewarding to see people who tried us out in the beginning are liking our new shift.
Mike Hawkins
@kkdub Very encouraging to hear that - we're hoping Riddle will be a scalable solution for many different types of publishers!
Frank Barbieri
We're already seen networked marketplaces remake graphic design, gig engineering work, and even freelance writing. Riddle is one of those "of course" companies where you're surprised it didn't exist already. Many publishers large and small will find value building out their content by shopping for compelling snips. Super excited about their trajectory.
Russ King
@frankba Thanks Frank! I can clearly remember the moment the idea popped up. Hidden amongst our banter on Slack was this relatively simple idea that no-one had done yet.
roman drits
Love Riddle and happy to see it's development - congrats!
Mike Hawkins
@rdrits Thanks Roman - we really love to hear that sort of feedback! :)
steve sarner
I've really enjoyed Riddles in the past - any idea how many creators you will have in the new market place offering the first month or so?
Russ King
@stevesarner Thanks Steve! We're being very careful about vetting creators before their content goes onto the Marketplace. This means that numbers in the first month will be relatively low. We have however, received lots of requests from people wanting to submit content which is great. It's now a case of scaling up the content while maintaining the quality but we've got plans for that. ;O) If people want specific content now they can contact us on
Nicolas Le Roux
I will definitely try this new tool for my blog! Nice project guys ;) Just one question: can we hide our riddle and keep the exclusivity of our content or we have to share it on the marketplace?
Boris Pfeiffer
@nico_lrx thank you for giving Riddle a try. Listing your content on the marketplace is totally optional. You decide if you want to make your content available or not.
Shy Rosenzweig
I liked the idea, good luck
Boris Pfeiffer
@shyrosenzweig Thank you :). Maybe you can use our free built in lead generation tools to get signups for
Great idea with Riddle and timely, Mike! Look forward to checking it out. Kudos. 🐥