I'm pretty sure we need an anti-doping league for websites. This collection of SumoMe tools is so effective it's definitely the online equivalent of steroids.
Oh, and my site is now upgraded with the SmartBar. ;)
Dude smart set of tools @noahkagan, what are the advantages of smart bar versus say, hellobar? Seems slicker, but knowing you, I'm sure there's a ton more under the hood!
Yo @noahkagan .. Love it homey. Not as intrusive as some of the other SumoMe tools.
Really dig what you and the team are building.
Is this a full pivot for you guys?
@BlendahTom Blush. You had me at Y.
Nope. We look at ourselves like a triangle:
1- Monthly1k to help people start a business
2- SumoMe.com are the tools we've used and are giving away to help people grow
3- AppSumo the newsletter are complimentary tools for all businesses (design, education, development, etc...)
Group Card Creator