
Sumica - A smart application that connects tenants and host


Sumica collected all information (included the tenants' demands, house for rent, and even the ways to contact,....) into an online platform on your smartphone. That helps to make renting easier, optimize time and cost.

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Dear hunters, My name is Jenniee, and I'm a cooperate communications executive of Sumica. It’s my pleasure to introduce our product to you. As you know, Sumica is an application that connects tenants and landlords, helps them to find their best house/tenants. We started on developing this product a year back, when we found how terribly time-consuming and difficult it is to get a house for rent. So that's when the idea of Sumica was born and we started on this journey to make it easier for everyone on renting and leasing houses. Sumica brings users a great experience with: ABUNDANT DATA: By using crowd-sourcing, Sumica transfers all offline information into online. This information is displayed specific and detailed, such as location, nearby location, area, utilities, and landlord's note. QUICK FILTER: With quick filter, tenants only need to give criteria, Sumica will optimize your search results, and help you find properties that best suits your requirements. In addition, your search history will be saved to save time for the next search. BIG REACHES FOR LANDLORDS: With more than 50,000 reaches per month, all rental information will be sent to expected tenants in the fastest way. Moreover, Sumica increases the ability to rent successfully when users will choose the right house through smart filters, integrated with artificial intelligence. Our marketplace is now based in Vietnam, but we're planning to expand to global. Stills, we are ready to get some feedback on the design, onboarding and overall experience. Let me know if you have any questions, I'd love to hear them!