Kenzo Nakamura

Subdex - Build & share lists of links.

Subdex is a tool & social network for building shareable lists of links.
Create a list of your favorite websites, coolest tools, helpful resources, and best articles that will help other people find your favorite stuff on the internet.
Made in Brooklyn.

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Kenzo Nakamura
🌿 Hi Hunters! 🌿 In a world of recommendation algorithms, Subdex is a platform for a human curated internet. Subdex is a social network for creating, discovering, and following awesome lists of links. Once you create a list, other people can follow the list for updates, submit suggestions, or fork their own copy of the list to remix it. Lists are tagged with subjects to make them discoverable. All lists are networked so you can see every list that contains a specific link. Really excited to see the fun / cool / interesting / helpful lists you guys come up with!
Kenzo Nakamura
Also, here's my list of Top Hunters! I didn't end up using one bc I wasn't quite sure how to align with their timing and I was on such short notice: I'm sure I'm missing plenty of the top hunters, in which case: submit a suggestion, or fork my list and maintain a better one! 😋
Hannah Milan
Awesome! Happy to see Subdex here at PH! Congratulations!
Kenzo Nakamura
@humbleuidesigns Thanks Hannah great to see you here!
Cristobal Valenzuela
Game changer. A fresh and exciting approach to share and manage list.
Rei Nkmra
Nice -- will be super useful in my work and personal life!
Robert Baldwin
Just what I’ve been looking for. Thank you!!!
Nice catch! Gonna add this to my "hidden gems across internet" list~ Congrats!