Eric Willis

Subbscribe 2.0 - Opt-in form to help you grow your web subscriptions

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Shlomi Nissan
Hi @bentossell, Subbscribe v1 was previously listed on Product Hunt as a jQuery plugin that required some Javascript voodoo, but the new version includes a web interface, twitter login, embed snippets and colour themes. The biggest challenge was Subbscribe being a jQuery plugin to begin with. Many people who wanted to install it on their website, didn’t know how to do so. At first, I wasn’t planning on building a web interface for it, but rather update the plugin regularly. After many emails requesting help with installing it (months after it was originally launched on PH) I decided to turn it into a mini-product with a web interface that will be more accessible to people with no coding skills. And thus, version 2 was born :)
ali mirza
@shlominissan What the pricing ?
Shlomi Nissan
@alimirza2k @shlominissan No pricing :) It’s a free and I’ve got no plans to monetise it.
Ben Tossell
So @shlominissan - what big updates have happened since the last launch 8 months ago?? From the previous launch, what were the biggest areas of feedback and how did you implement them? What have been the biggest challenges in the last 8 months?
Maximilian Hennebach
Can't sign in with Twitter right now?! :O I just get redirected to the landing page.
Shlomi Nissan
@maxlabsde There’s a bug with Twitter sign in. Working on it right now... Sorry :(
Shlomi Nissan
@maxlabsde It should be working fine now. You might have to clear your cache. Sorry for the inconvenience :(
@shlominissan - why no plans to monetize? (I voted for you based solely on that comment, among others). And how does it compare to some of the paid versions? Tnx!
Shlomi Nissan
If anyone experienced problems with the Twitter login, it should be working fine now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Leon Grant Bussinger
I really like the color picker, had to stop what i was doing to dig in more. It's not immediately clear how to use it and I love that it took me out of my 'fill in form' autopilot mode. Very nice. Alright, back to try the rest of the app. Can't wait for more novel surprises! :-)