Jonas Almut

Suave - Luxury wallet that can store your cash, cards and keys


Sauve is the Last Wallet You'll Need. Keep your cards, cash, coins, key, memory card, SIM (and SIM pin) all in one place.

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Jonas Almut
Hey Hunters, We’re Filippo Morato, a luxury design company based out of London, UK. We’re on a mission to make the world most functional wallet from the world’s finest leather. Made from Italian Vegetable Tanned Leather, the Suave Wallet is a versatile carrier for your cards, cash, coins, key, memory card, SIM card and SIM pin. With over 40 things it stores and over 14 compartments, you’ll never need another place to store your things again! This is our first leather campaign on Kickstarter so please let us know how we’re doing.
Robert Loustau
@jonasalmut I might be ignorant, but can you explain a £4k goal, selling a product with a video that cost more than 4k to make? What do you need the funding for? The trend for any wearable at the moment seems to be efficient, minimal and slim. This is especially important when wearing a fitted suit, which seems to be your target. Orbit key, cardholder/money clip and a slim phone are the solutions for this. Why did you decide to go down this route? If you need to carry over 40 things, isn't the solution to looking suave a small bag? I don't mean this to come off as critical, just curious.
Jonas Almut
@rdlou The point of this was to combine everything into one wallet that was a little slimmer than your regular wallet. If the idea is to go for a minimal design then surely something that combines everything into one piece that’s smaller than your regular wallet is the way to go. Sometimes all you want to take care of is one piece and not a whole bunch of products that do mediocre jobs.
Aaron Sugden
How did you make the leather from vegetables?
Dan Dan
@aaronsugden Made me laugh, but I had to look it up cause I had never heard of vegetable tanned leather.
Sammy Bell
How much will you retail this for?
Jonas Almut
@sammybell1 Not sure at the moment. We’re giving our customers the best price at the moment as our manufacturers give us a break on our first order. We’ll only find out what the new price is after the original order is placed.
Joe Carter
Such an awesome wallet, is it possible for me to pay more and get it sooner, I actually need a wallet right now and I’m very impatient
Jonas Almut
@joecarter4 At the moment it won’t be possible purely due to the fact we don’t have any available for you to buy. Feel free to jump in, its only a few short months
Eddie Wade
What kind of leather is this wallet made from?
Jonas Almut
@eddiewade it's made from Vegetable Tanned Leather, procured from Italy. It's the finest leather available that also darkens beautifully overtime.
Brayden Samuel
Can I wait until it retails, what price will you sell it at?
Jonas Almut
@braydensamuel as we said above, we can't be sure of the price, we only know from the manufacturer that it will go up after our first order as they are discounting the first order.
Nihongo Master
I came here for the animated gifs. Fantastic way to catch my eye. Love the different compartments and the thought into digital needs.
Jonas Almut
@masternihongo thank you, we had a feeling that the wallet was outdated for the modern traveller/photographer so we had to fix that
John Crawford
Swell wallet. Something to carry my single key in without losing it. Thanks!
Jonas Almut
@johncrawford22 glad you like it 😀
Green Austin
Wow, it actually fits an SD card. LOVE IT! Just got the two early birds.
Jonas Almut
A few of us are photographers and we originally made this wallet for ourselves, thanks for backIng us😀
Bertold Kolics
I wish a non-leather option would be available. I do not buy leather products for ethical reasons
Lee Fuhr
All those gifs are so… arousing…
Piotrek Witek

Wallet is great, but what is even better is customer service, I'm really impressed. Instant reply to my queries, I missed my wallet delivery because I was out on a trip, no problem they instantly sent it again back to me without asking anything. That's what I'm looking for when buying any product, service has to be top-notch!


- great quality product - great customer service



Piotrek Witek
Btw. it was my second wallet which I ordered after receiving the first one and was really impressed by the quality and functionality.